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Baofeng Tacticool Antenna

That page and images are all forked up on my screen!

Is the antenna "tactical" or "cool" or both?

My military service spans several conflicts and we used everything from the old PRC77 "tape measure" type antennae, to normal Motorola (EF Johnson) VHF high band rubber ducks back 15 years or so ago. I wouldn't call any of those designs "cool" but I suppose you could say they worked well in tactical situations.
I want one to experiment with. I think it's cool for what it is. It's cheap enough. Main thing is trying to find one that's not a counterfeit. The built in counterpoise beats trailing a rat tail everywhere you go.
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i would like to try one out also,, but I see the ones listed on e-bay are from ship from china so who knows if your getting a real or clone,,, and I have never purchased anything from amazon,, so if someone is going to buy one for themselves on amazon, I would gladly paypal you for the antenna and shipping if you wana order one for me at the same time
I ordered the 42" model and the 15+ ft jumper cable...
Direct from AABREE/Amazon site...
Free Ship from US/Dealer warehouse.
Be good to take on road trips for Motel room set-up.
Set in window or by sliding glass doors and sit radio on desk.
Be interested to see if I can hear local SKYWARN freq's from living room here also.
None of the so called "Super Ducks" could reach 20m even on RX...Had to move to window to hear them. So maybe get lucky and set antenna across the room in the West window and set radio on end table(where I keep TV/Theater remotes) and hear them.
Have my spare Comet Mobile 2-5/8th's stacked and tiger tail to get the job done before...but vy crummy in the living room on a Tea table. XYL loved that!!!
Our little Kitty thought it was a toy (the whip!:ROFLMAO:) Constantly getting knocked over:p
So see what happens...if it does not work, out $35 and get rid of too some new Tech!:rolleyes:
All the Best

Camaro you can purchase stuff on Amazon without sitting up account...or use Paypal for payment at many dealers...
No info transfers except shipping info.
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found 1 seller in Kentucky on ebay that had the 28" version for sale at 19.99 with free shipping, sold 11 already, 9 left , looked legit, had pics of the fake vs real antenna and packaging. will have to see what actually shows up
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