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Big Hair antennas ???????



i found another weird/different antenna , at least to me it is .


anyone here ever used this or know anything about it ? i noticed in their comparison with the wilson 5000 that the s unit gain was higher at highway speeds than they were sitting still .is that because the engine/alternator was revved up and producing more amps/current to power the system ? or do all antennas do that ? or something unique to their antenna ? any truth to the 6 guage solid coppper stuff ?

the open coil wont have a chance against a tree or bush but i rarely off road . im sure a meeting with a bird (Fabio style....lol !) would not do it any good either .

its kinda ugly but also has a kinda neat industral/techie look to it .

I just love the Specs on the BIG HAIR ANTENNA
( don`t get me wrong, if you want to homebrew a mobile antenna, thats fine, but to offer these things for sale???)

Its specs are:

Gain over a Wilson 5000: 1- 1.5 S units (average) -while at a fixed location

Gain @ highway speeds: 2.5 full S units (average) -gain over a Wilson 5000 at Hwy speeds

Power handling: 10,000 watts

SWR: 1:1 (typical)

SWR bandwidth 26,000-28,000 Mhz (without retuning needed)

Total Antenna size: 8ft 1 inch


:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Looks almost as good as the Spark-a-matic`s that a local guy was building at one time....and he was BLIND! (really!)

He Builds and sells Ham Antennas too!


The efficiency and mono band performance is obtained via the same approach as Screwdriver mobile antennas, and BigIR/SteppIR
verticals, due to the antennas actually being tuned for only one band at a time, to maintain its mono band performance
characteristics. The main tuning difference between our antennas and the Screwdriver and BigIR/SteppIR verticals, is that our
Efficient Antennas are more easily and quickly tuned to each band via instantaneous pre-tuned and fixated relay switching. This
makes changing bands even simpler and more instantaneous, for those quick band changing contesting needs.

Take a look
Close up of the relay setup

You know, after seeing a picture of him, and his going by 'BigHair' (which reminds me of what's'er name on the Simpsons) why should I think his antennas are so unreasonable? Somebody is being 'had'. Not sure who, but I sort of get that feeling...
- 'Doc
wow! 2.5 s-unit gain over a wilson 5000?

thats like a 15db gain mobile antenna!

this guy really must know his stuff!!!!LOL

i think i'll keep my wilson, with its lowly 0 db gain.
ok.......so we all agree it wont win any beauty contest . what caught my intrest was the comments about using the heavy guage pure coppper construction for conducting parts , can that big azz 6 guage coppper element and coil really make a difference like they say ? i know they have their figgures for specs and figgures dont lie.......but i also know liers can fuggure . anyone see any lies here or questionable claims ?
i e-mailed them yesterday for pricing .
While the physical size of the coil can certainly make a difference, it being made from copper instead of another conductor makes no ~practical~ difference at all.
There is a difference in the conductivity between different conductors such as copper and steel. That difference will make no perceivable difference in the antenna's performance at HF.
Considering the required flexibility/stiffness of mobile antennas, copper is not the 'best' substance to make the things from, just too many things can/could deform it.
Questionable claims? Well, there's the thingy about the large copper wire. That's not just 'questionable', it just isn't true. As for the rest, who knows? Depending on how things are 'done', the radio antenna that came on my truck can out perform any mobile antenna made. It's possible, but I certainly wouldn't count on it - LOL!
As for beauty contests and antennas, big and ugly is almost always the winner, not the runner-up. 'Beauty' is sort of variable, but not always. Would I buy one? I kind'a doubt it. I would be interested in what the prices are though! :)
- 'Doc
which glaring error/falsehood/lie would you like addressed first, the one about estimated coil "Q" in excess of 1000 and broadband performance or the big whopper about the 15db. (2.5 S-Units) gain? the only thing this guy has discovered is that there's a sucker born every minute. how gullible and naive can you be?

you had better plan on adding large amounts of hair spray to the "big hair" just in case those non-uv resistant "wire ties" (LMAO) dry out and leave your big hair "falling out" all over the road.

and wilson antenna owners, you've been schooled. the "gain" of your wilson antennas drops 1.5db. when the stinger is leaning back as you're headed down the road. the website and the product have stupid written all over them with a capital "S".


i do hereby bestow our "Dumber Than A Box Of Rocks Award" upon the gang at bighairantennas. in closing i would just like to add that some of us are not quite as stupid as you seem to think we are.

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