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BJ200 watt Linear help

8113 Northern MN

Active Member
Aug 9, 2013
Looking to get some information on this linear. I have two of them in front of me. One of them literally caught on fire the very first time it was used. The other can only be used at literally 1 watt input into it otherwise the transistor heats up so hot you can watch the solder start to flow on the ends. Im wondering if anyone has any experience with these amps. On the board it says KL200w.PCB. Supposedly these are suppose to be rated at 200w but only being able to put 1 watt into it I am seeing nothing of the sort. Most ive been able to get out of it is 50 watts. And even then, after TX it takes a few seconds for RX to come back in...theres just silence and its like the RX slowly fades back in.

Here are some pics to maybe help someone give me some ideas of what to do:

Front Cover: http://prntscr.com/4lb7er
PCB Board: http://prntscr.com/4lb7kg
Label: http://prntscr.com/4lb7p3

Id like to know if there is a way to increase the input power into this and a way to get it to stop fading back into RX after TX. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

I can Tell y0u this,I bought one of those new,never even tryed to work.I packed it up sent it back ,finally got my money back,thanks to pay pal.They are junk.The one I had did the same as yours,got hot instantly,put out about 40 watts.
It kind've reminds me of the RM Italy KL-200P, although that little amp actually worked (until I smoked it, lol)
Yup, I was dumb enough to try one, got it today, reflected so much swr back at my radio the protection circuit activated. Then, it somehow didn't fully unkey, even though it wasn't transmitting, the current stayed very high and I had to disconnect power to it.
It was so hot I almost burned my hand on the case. So far they haven't responded to my emails, but fortunately it was purchased through Amazon, so maybe it won't be a total loss. I'll never buy straight from China again. Total junk!
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There were questions around the shop as to the origin of the design. The earlier units look so similar to the RM Italy product line.
i used the KL 203 P and i am glad with the performance though only 100 watts i got in 20 watt for the input tx
Input power 1 - 5 W Max; Output power: 100 - 200 W Max
Robb, I hope Bhirawa means 20 watts p.e.p. not avg. If it was average he might have already seen the Magic Smoke release!

I'm going to continue to avoid radio related products shipped directly from China, thanks for the heads up guys.


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