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Sr. Member
Apr 8, 2016
About 10 months ago I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. It's a common form of skin cancer.
Unfortunately for me it's went undiagnosed for what apparently was many years. I develop several tumors that needed to be removed. I also developed cysts which were also brought on by the skin cancer. The first one was discovered by my x y l while she was giving me a massage. It was located under my collarbone and I just never noticed it. My final two tumors were removed during a single seven-hour surgery on Tuesday. I am obviously very happy to be cancer free. I am feeling a bit beat up to say the least, but am lucky enough to have many family and friends who love and care about me enough to get me through what's going to be a very difficult next few weeks/months. I am on some heavy-duty meds and have been since the diagnosis, chemo. Now it's time to wean myself off them which will be difficult and most likely a painful process in itself. I made a lot of friends on this site, and I would like to thank everyone who has answered what most of the time were idiotic asinine questions about technical things I know nothing about. I'd like to blame the medication for many of those questions. But if you look back at my past questions over the last three years of my membership you will find that most if not all of the questions are just as dumb as the ones that were asked while I was under the influence of what I can only describe as very heavy duty mind-altering medications. I have to admit it was fun while it lasted. Not the cancer of course, but the medication. And actually put me in the state of mine that didn't allow me to worry as much as I probably should have. Especially knowing that although my prognosis was very good I could have circum to this carcinoma. The doctors and surgeons that helped me out over at Cooper Hospital in Camden New Jersey were incredible. Throughout the several stays there I had my own room. That is a total impossibility in the state of New York where I was born raised, and spent almost every year of my life up until several years ago. I must say this for New Jersey, their hospitals are far superior than those of the ones in NYC. The nurses and attendance that took care of me were second to none, and treated me like family. I am positive they treat all their patients as they did me. I hope to be enjoying the hobby soon, and getting some equipment that needs attention on the air again. I haven't spent long periods of time in the hospital in many years and don't know if their rules on non cell and smartphones be allowed in the rooms, but I was allowed to use my smartphone in my room. The room was actually called a pavilion. The room and Hospital itself looked And smelled clean. As clean as I keep my own house. Unlike the urine fecal smell of most if not all NYC Hospitals. I would just like to warn my friends on this site that if you ever feel and animality on your body no matter how small please immediately get it checked out. Although in my case they just all happened to be located under cartilage and Bone where I could not and did not detect any of them. I'm not one for hospitals and in all honesty I may have ignored it even if I had known it was there. At least the first one. It's good to be alive my friends. And it's good to know That there is a tomorrow. This was the sebaceous cyst that my YL found while giving me a massage. It's not a tumor but if it had not been discovered the ones that turned out to be tumors word not have been discovered. They were found while going through the CT scans and MRI'S for the cyst. I truly owe her my life. As I mentioned I still need to slowly wean myself off certain medications that were given to me, and I'm looking forward to it. These types of medications really make one very loopy. I wasn't able to drive for several months, and my doctor still recommends that I don't. At least until I am down to half the dosage of medication, and the stitches from the final surgery have all dissipated. Family friends and xyl have been my chauffeur's over the last several months, and I don't know what I would have done without them. I'm truly blessed. l also want to thank everyone who has answered every one of my questions no matter how ignorant they may have been. I learned a lot over the past 3 years as a member of this site. And I truly appreciate the site, and all the acquaintances I've made while being a member here. thanks.
PS. This was the first one that was discovered and removed. It was located under my collar bone. And even though it was a little bigger than a quail egg I never knew it was there. According to my doctor it was probably there for several years due to it's fairly large size. Man it's fucking good to be free! And alive. Going through some shit like this can really give someone a new perspective. I've been through some crazy shit in my life already and I thought living through my first crisis many years ago gave me a new perspective, this one even topped that first one. God bless all you. I do in a way consider you guys family. That may sound strange to some people. But when you communicate with people and as often as we do with each other it really does begin to feel like a small family. Shit! I communicate with some of you guys more than I do with some of my family. Once again God bless you all and stay safe. Your friend Jojo 111 food stamp Southampton New Jersey.
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Good deal.hope all future results are negative too.

people really don't understand how Chemo treatments can kick you in the head. Most chemo rounds are about 12 weeks overall with 2 rounds being the average.

I was on REALLY aggressive Chemo for almost 2 years.

Sometimes it was like thinking you were gonna die,...... and then being afraid that you were NOT!:sick:

Keep us posted on your progress

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