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CB Tricks web site

B8527AD9-187D-41F5-9866-29828FABFEC4.png As long as he’s kept the domain registration up, the server doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter if he pays a host or not, just so long as he keeps that domain name paid for. And looks like he has it until 2023.
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Reactions: TheRATT
But here's another troubling part...you click on the hitlited link on the top of the page that says CBTricks.com - it takes you to the old home page, not the new one - so I dunno...?
Yes Sir. Sure is and looking a lot different than it did last night when I tried it. No forum yet but I bet it will be coming soon. I am glad all that info did not get lost.
Cream, lyrics from their Fresh Cream album in1966. Sorry, that song has been running in my brain after receiving such great news...

I'm so glad
I'm so glad
I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad.....

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