I have a regen set I made. Sort of my build of the old Twinplex with a 6SL7. It was a decent working unit but was really difficult with hand capacity and tvi for the old TV in the bedroom. If my XYL was in bed early I cant run the rig as it bothers her old 19 inch TV. I tried a solid ground but the radio didnt like that much. I run it on a just a inside antenna as it doesnt need much to hear a lot. The other day I decided just for fun to make a loop indoor antenna. I used a 12 inch dia. concrete column form which I sliced off a 3 inch wide piece. I bought a 3 ft 1 1/4 dowel and fabed up a base to support it with some scrap 2x4s . First loop I tried was 3 turns. It worked but regen was not what it should be at the band end`s. I took it apart and made one with 11 turns. I braided the bottom lead down the pole and using a dummy for the third wire I braided the lead in to the radio hooking up both ends. I now have a completely different radio. It is much more stable, almost tame even and no TVi at all. I can copy Cw from far away places with ease. I like this loop and so does my radio. I run it on 15 nine volt batteries snapped together for B supply. They die of old age rather than going dead. I run the filiments on a Video camera battery which I can recharge in the video camera with the accompanying attachment. My next project will be to make a 6 volt inverter so i can run the whole deal from the camera battery. The transformer should be easy . I need to come up with a low power (like almost nothing) oscillator at audio freq I can use in a diode switching circuit to give PDC which the transformer can use. At least i am going to try it.