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131 owns an HF transmitter that dave built and I do not. It is a wideband linear modulated transmitter that does not have a receiver. It does not require a PC or CB radio to function. That's about all the info you will find on this product unless 131 will give some specifics to you after you said you didn't care.

Yeah I know 131 has one and was waiting for him to chime in. As for my comment about not caring to know anything about it I meant as a personal interest. It does not interest me in the slightest to own one however from a technical standpoint I have some interest in what it is in general as opposed to how it functions specifically. Some folks call motor mouth maul's modulator or the hifi stuff ghetto way driver stuff transmitters while others call a big amplifier a transmitter neither of which is accurate hence my quest to find out a bit more about this Dave Made contraption. In short it appeals to my tech interest but not my ownership interest.
This is kinda exactly what i got from 148. Beyond saying it's a Dave made transmitter, he got all myseriosso when questioned further.
I got the vibe and dropped out at two questions.
As I mentioned in my op I was just qiouious.
I've no intrest in owning one.
I'm happy with what I have and am running.
It just seems odd that those who know what it is are afraid there big secrets gonna get out and everyone's gonna rush out and get all the parts and begin building them.
That will not happen.
What ever it is I can guaranty it existed in one fourm or another for many, many, many year's.
Unless of course an extra terrestrial landed in the builder's yard and shared some technology light year's ahead of it's time.
Which we know isn't the case.
I actually lost intrest at this point and don't really care anymore.
Maybe those few who own them had to sign some sort of privacy Claus. Maybe a Santa Claus.
It's more likely then not that the reason for the secrecy is, it's nothing special.
I'm 100% positive when it comes to light and it will, the build and technology behind it will be less then impressive.
Yeah I know 131 has one and was waiting for him to chime in. As for my comment about not caring to know anything about it I meant as a personal interest. It does not interest me in the slightest to own one however from a technical standpoint I have some interest in what it is in general as opposed to how it functions specifically. Some folks call motor mouth maul's modulator or the hifi stuff ghetto way driver stuff transmitters while others call a big amplifier a transmitter neither of which is accurate hence my quest to find out a bit more about this Dave Made contraption. In short it appeals to my tech interest but not my ownership interest.
Please ask some specific questions instead of expecting a cbradiomagazine.com review. I really dont know what questions you want answed. At this point you know as much as I do. Plug your audio gear into it, connect an antenna a go. The guy you heard (if he really has one of these) sounded the way he did because that's how he set up his gear. Same goes for the mmm mauldulator. It doesn't sound a certain way. The audio gear you run and how you adjust it determines how you sound.

Ask specific questions and I'll bet 131 will answer them. He already asked "what do you want to know" instead of "I dont care" why not ask a question? He then said "it's whatever the buyer wants it to be". I took that as they are custom built not him trying to be vague and mysterious. The simple fact is its a custom built transmitter and nothing more.

Youre not going to find a schematic, service manual or pictures of the inside. The ones that have access to this equipment keep their mouths shut because there is always someone looking to make a buck off someone else's work. Look at the old dave style comp amps. Everyone builds them like that, changes a few cosmetics and calls them their own.
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Please ask some specific questions instead of expecting a cbradiomagazine.com review. I really dont know what questions you want answed. At this point you know as much as I do. Plug your audio gear into it, connect an antenna a go. The guy you heard (if he really has one of these) sounded the way he did because that's how he set up his gear. Same goes for the mmm mauldulator. It doesn't sound a certain way. The audio gear you run and how you adjust it determines how you sound.

Ask specific questions and I'll bet 131 will answer them. He already asked "what do you want to know" instead of "I dont care" why not ask a question? He then said "it's whatever the buyer wants it to be". I took that as they are custom built not him trying to be vague and mysterious. The simple fact is its a custom built transmitter and nothing more.

Youre not going to find a schematic, service manual or pictures of the inside. The ones that have access to this equipment keep their mouths shut because there is always someone looking to make a buck off someone else's work. Look at the old dave style comp amps. Everyone builds them like that, changes a few cosmetics and calls them their own.

You got it. You want a CB hifi transmitter, he can build it. Am phone 160/80 am, dc to 6m all mode, just how much power do you want.
No secrets, just why deal with pompous asses all the time.
Google is your friend. You care, your really not impressing anyone.
You got it. You want a CB hifi transmitter, he can build it. Am phone 160/80 am, dc to 6m all mode, just how much power do you want.
No secrets, just why deal with pompous asses all the time.
Google is your friend. You care, your really not impressing anyone.

And who the hell do you think you are impressing with your secretiveness and holier than thou responses? Details are NOT all over the Internet other than they supposedly exist. Hard to weed out the wheat from the chaff if you can't tell the wheat from the chaff in the first place. If I wanted to build a hifi transmitter I could....in fact I have done so for 80m years ago. Not much power but it worked great. I REALLY couldn't care less at this point for tech reasons or personal reasons if all the owners are pompous asses like it appears they are. Fuck it. I am done with this.
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exactly,..... .

tune in tomorrow for another day in CB drama and BS

Agreed. A simple picture of the front and back of it showing any interconnects would reveal a LOT about what it is and isn't without revealing any secrets contained within. I guess the "I've got sumpt'in you ain't got" factor is alive and well. Again at this point I could give a rats ass about what it is and isn't. The name on it says enough that I wouldn't want one anyway. I don't do 11m any more and when the time comes I want another home brew transmitter I will build one myself. Again. A 6L6GC oscillator/driver feeding an 811A modulated by a pair of 807's sounds and looks quite classy. Follow that up with another RF amplification stage and you are golden. Mine was driven by an old Heath HG-10 VFO.
It's already done years ago
Agreed. A simple picture of the front and back of it showing any interconnects would reveal a LOT about what it is and isn't without revealing any secrets contained within. I guess the "I've got sumpt'in you ain't got" factor is alive and well. Again at this point I could give a rats ass about what it is and isn't. The name on it says enough that I wouldn't want one anyway. I don't do 11m any more and when the time comes I want another home brew transmitter I will build one myself. Again. A 6L6GC oscillator/driver feeding an 811A modulated by a pair of 807's sounds and looks quite classy. Follow that up with another RF amplification stage and you are golden. Mine was driven by an old Heath HG-10 VFO.
Guess I'm impressed. Your right, your old plate modulated iron is better.
And who the hell do you think you are impressing with your secretiveness and holier than thou responses? Details are NOT all over the Internet other than they supposedly exist. Hard to weed out the wheat from the chaff if you can't tell the wheat from the chaff in the first place. If I wanted to build a hifi transmitter I could....in fact I have done so for 80m years ago. Not much power but it worked great. I REALLY couldn't care less at this point for tech reasons or personal reasons if all the owners are pompous asses like it appears they are. Fuck it. I am done with this.

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