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Dx in South Texas


Active Member
Sep 24, 2010
Dx is Good in South Texas.....Europe, Central & South America, Pacific all are hot.
Europe contacts with multi contacts in most.... Finland, England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Netherlands, Corsica island, Sardinia(165 div.new one for me), Greece, Balearic Islands (49 div. a new one for me!), Canary Island.... Heard a 54 div. Luxemborug calling, and a couple South Africa Stations but no results.
The Americas .... Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Costa Rica, West Indies, Jamacia, Hati, Bahmas and heard a 140 div Antartica calling on 555 moved to 525 and I could not hear anymore with the stations on Freqency! next time!Pacific areas ...Australia, New Zealand, Tahitia, French Polynesia, Indonesia (new for me), Papua New Guinea(new for me)
I added 4 divisions to my contacted list with 91,101 165 and 49.....
It has been good!! guys if only I had room for a long boom 5 or 6 ??:eek:

Larry....Enjoyed the QSO and thanks for the information. also for the heads up on the Japan spot....

Two stations were on again yesterday afternoon from Thailand - 153E200 is Mr. Chai, I spoke with him and also 153E231 Nick.
They were both very strong here. Chai did make several contacts into the states, with a couple back east somewhere.

Usually between 5:00 - 6:00pm my time, they start showing up and the window is only open for about 30 min's for them.
Gary - Mr Katsu from Japan, had a 5/9 signal on you today when you were on 585

25 SD 019

I also worked a new station in NE Thailand this evening - 153 RT 358, Yut was his name.
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Here in Ohio - Europe starts 7:30am till 4:30pm

I go by 2WB448 Phil in Ohio - stay on 27.555 most of the time.
I have about 54 divisions so far in 2012.

I also got 153TH123 Mr Chai, 153TH123 and 153TH101 @11am - on YouTube.
Greenland 38AT103 Bjorne Aug 31 6:60pm, 173AT127 Reunion Island 10am Aug 31, and 76ED001 also on YouTube.

Took yesterday off and turned on radio around 7am - started coming in around 7:30am from 14, 30, 31 div then took off around 8:45am - Mostly Europe.
Got a new one 45VR127 Zoran at 9am, heard 91, 48, and 233 which I couldn't get out of the S 7-9 pileup. 14 div loves to QSO on 555 won't QSY.

Later on got WR926 John in Coolgardie, Australia at 7:45pm.

Love to get 25 or 140 div - seems in Ohio hard to get West/NWest North divisions.
I did it Japan last evening Mr Katsu and could hear more 25 division stations....heard the 153 stations but they were to weak to work! want to call but I would just create more qrm on the freqency. Looks like I have a shot over the next few days?
I also talked with the 91 division Dave in Jakarta my first into that division...he is running a 5 element from HSPD....made a quick contact then returned and rec'd his email for qsl confirmation. (y)
That's great on Japan - Katsu was rattling my radio all afternoon today, also good contact to Dave in Jakarta, a forum member!

Don't know if I told you or not, but I work an old friend along the coast of Russia this morning, it was early for him - 7:00am. 302 SD 200 - Slava
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Europe was very strong this mornng at 730am CST.....logged a 54 division and was hearing Russia?? on FM 26.300-310? not sure??:unsure: I barely speak english so i sure could be wrong.
Did hear 165 division calling at s5/7 around the same time...Dx is getting better:D
Friday took half day - home by 10am.
Europe coming in strong again.
Added 5 more divisions:
178SD111 Andy from Bulgaria 10:20am
233TY200 Robert from Romania at 11am
56SD110 Mike from Finland at 11:25
18AR060 Kostas from Greece at 11:50am
44SSA023 Martin from S Africa at 2:03pm

Talked to 29 division, they are talking to 48, 234,50 - from all sides.

2WB448 Phil Ohio
DXman thanks for heads up!

Sat was on by 7:30am - coming is strong Europe.

Got 234SD/DX on 27.490usb at 9am - he stayed on for about 1 hour calling for North America only. Looks to be a DX-pedition
234SD/DX offical website his site.

153SD777 Jan @9:15am 27.490usb - short window.

51/14ET103 Fredrick from Andorra @9:30am
109HA132 Balazs from Hungary @9:37am

2WD448 Phil Ohio
Only one to add for Sunday:

317KCB102 Dima mobile from Belarus, Minsk @ 9:53am.

So much Western Europe just drowns out most everything.
PHILPOH....Great contacts.:)....I called a couple time this morning...made acouple into EU. Have not had it on this afternoon, HONEY DO"S have kept me busy. I will try early in the morning to see what is out there. I've made a couple into east poland....hopefully if conditions or noise is less I'll make a couple more into east europe.
Thanks ghutch!

Sunday was very open to Europe/Central/South America and by 11am also West coast USA. Also East Canada 141RC001 Jean-Marc he had huge pile up.

This made some interesting/frustrating DXing at times, I would be having a QSO with a Eastern European station while say 11 div and others would non stop calling for me/them -- Took a lot of QSYing - onto another "In use" freq.

That's what makes this such an exciting hobby - when you work so hard to copy a call sign/division and get that rare one - trying to listen to the stations behind the big S9 stations.

Still looking for 25 or 91 - listened to 56 div talk to 91 div - I tried all directions for my beam to pick him up - too much QRM from all directions!
Not bad today but not as good as I wanted :bdh:

Several England QSO's, Ireland, Denmark, Germany this morning, and Australia New Zealand plus Japan!! tonite
most signals today were just to weak here to return, I SWL'd many QSO's one cool one was Iceland to Corsica. Europe to East US. was hot
Coolest QSO was late this evening 830PM! with Jim ...41/007 mobile to mobile contact....he ask me to stay by the radio for a few minutes and then call me back off his 4 element mobile beam! He has a tower attached to his van and put the 4 element yagi up 25 ft and returned a great signal! Waiting on his email pictures.... He is building a 7 element mobile beam !! That should work some DX :)
73' Garry

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