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for lack of a better place to......

Mo if you want to resolve the "Robb issue" then I suggest that you start a poll in an Open Forum and ask the members for an up or down vote. Let it run a full 30 days to let most of the current membership see it and vote. Let it take a 75% or more approval to remain as a mod.

And the end result would stop this?

What if he is voted to stay? Is it over? Can we move on?

Can we create the same kind of poll for removal of members? You know? good for the goose thing?

Rob is staying, there it was said.

Check this out

Just what we expected. Lot's of complaints about the same thing and no fixes.

Yet you say "we want your ideas"

Then people offer ideas only to be rejected.

Same ol same ol

Where is the idea? I see a complaint.

You want a Rob poll? Go ahead, no-one stopping you.
Who just came by and shoved a whole bottle of happy pills down your throat? You've been complainer #1 for centuries. Now everything is great with you ??

moleculo and company did the right thing and addressed the issues, what more do you want?

Only goes to show that even some of us lowly members can contradict themselves.

only goes to show that you can't realize the admin/mods here are doing the right thing, quit bitching for a while and see what happens

WHATEVER PEOPLE !! Really do nothing and keep the same staff. Heck give them a raise and 3 extra smoke breaks a day. The members who refuse to buy these no-actions and half-fixes can always vote with their feet.

I can only hope that your boots are laced tightly for this journey.

Mo if you want to resolve the "Robb issue" then I suggest that you start a poll in an Open Forum and ask the members for an up or down vote. Let it run a full 30 days to let most of the current membership see it and vote. Let it take a 75% or more approval to remain as a mod.

Robb was already demoted, seems fair to me.
moleculo and hamer thank you for answering my questions.

i read over the review guidelines and i think they are quite well thought out.

your dedication to this forum is greatly appreciated.

a couple things i read did raise an eyebrow though.

moleculo wrote:
"Really? Robb's participation in the CB sections has stirred up more activity in those sections than this forum has seen in years. The traffic numbers tell a different story than the one you would like to paint."

hamer wrote:
"We watch the traffic closely here, we see what draws the most and try to keep it coming. Reviews and Techy articles pull in the most."

i am wondering how more traffic makes this a better forum.
this goes back to what i was saying in my thread about forums having dual personalities.
there are many forums on the net for an aspiring radio head to choose from, and depending on which forum he chooses to frequent; he will be given different advice. many times this advice will be incorrect and further encourages "radio mythology".

not here though! people trying to spout that stuff here will be shown the correct info if they choose to listen.
that is what makes this the best radio forum on the net, and if we lose that integrity, if we lose our perspective on what we want people to find here;
well then we all might as well clip the limiters in our radios and turn our power mics up to 10.

im not saying we should close our borders or anything, im just saying that the best country is not necessarily the one with the most people.

i am wondering how more traffic makes this a better forum.
this goes back to what i was saying in my thread about forums having dual personalities.
there are many forums on the net for an aspiring radio head to choose from, and depending on which forum he chooses to frequent; he will be given different advice. many times this advice will be incorrect and further encourages "radio mythology".

not here though! people trying to spout that stuff here will be shown the correct info if they choose to listen.
that is what makes this the best radio forum on the net, and if we lose that integrity, if we lose our perspective on what we want people to find here;
well then we all might as well clip the limiters in our radios and turn our power mics up to 10.

im not saying we should close our borders or anything, im just saying that the best country is not necessarily the one with the most people.


Another set of fair, and well thought out questions, IMO.

What we generally see is that more participation on the site causes higher traffic which then causes more participation, especially from people that are seeking help and looking for answers. The members that frequent the site and post often tend to be more educated with the "radio related subjects", but in reality are in the minority of visitors here. Actually, traffic resulting from people searching google for various radio topics out-number the regulars roughly on a scale of 3:1 (maybe more than that). When people find the forum through searches for help, the stats tell us that the sign-ups and participation also increases. More posts and threads about radio related stuff makes the search engines happy and they reward the site accordingly by positioning our site higher in search results when people are searching for the related topics.

Does that mean we should all just post nonsense to increase traffic? No, of course not. Credibility is important also. We need traffic, but we need a good reputation, too. Sometimes this can be a fine border line to walk, and we may not always get it right.

The bottom line is that to ensure the survival of the site, we need people to feel comfortable about posting topics about radio, which includes their opinions on their equipment. To preserve the integrity of the site, we need to have an environment where everyone can feel free to discuss the merits of both the personal opinions and technical aspects of the posts, even if that means questioning moderators. However, if we create a community where personal attacks are the norm, we don't promote anything except hatred toward this hobby.

I'm not sure I helped explain anything, but if you have more questions on this topic feel free to ask.
Does that mean we should all just post nonsense to increase traffic? No, of course not. Credibility is important also. We need traffic, but we need a good reputation, too. Sometimes this can be a fine border line to walk, and we may not always get it right.

and that sir is what folks complaining about robbs reviews have been striving for .

his demeanor/replies from constructive criticisim (well , at first it was constructive) was ignored and then replied to with how he cant possibility be wrong and then it went to hell with flamming/insulting from both sides .
Who just came by and shoved a whole bottle of happy pills down your throat? You've been complainer #1 for centuries. Now everything is great with you ??

Only goes to show that even some of us lowly members can contradict themselves.

WHATEVER PEOPLE !! Really do nothing
and keep the same staff. Heck give them a raise and 3 extra smoke breaks a day. The members who refuse to buy these no-actions and half-fixes can always vote with their feet.

Mo if you want to resolve the "Robb issue" then I suggest that you start a poll in an Open Forum and ask the members for an up or down vote. Let it run a full 30 days to let most of the current membership see it and vote. Let it take a 75% or more approval to remain as a mod.
Did someone say something about trying to lead a horse to drink? this type of mindset will not get anything fixed.

I believe a lot of what happens here needs to change and what got all this shit started was Robb bitching to Hamer and the other mods so loudly about his funky little review thread that they(the admins) got tired of hearing it and banned me and several others and you WIREDWEASEL really don't have any rocks to throw in this matter so may I suggest you just stfu<?

I heard that he was a legend in his own mind. :love:

Apparently so. Speaking of some of us lowly members contradicting themselves, Mack sends me PMs wanting ME to make "complaining comments" for HIM...because he states he's in enough trouble as it is....

Now he wants me shut up.....which is how things get "fixed" around here.

Amazing !!

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