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Galaxy 95T and TS667 issues

What you guys are missing is Big Red has already bypassed the internal 200 watt amp on the radio and now realizes the radio by itself was crippled from the factory by not putting all its finals on the board. It makes far less power than any normal single final radio and he's looking to restore it to what it would be without the internal amp.
big red's gotta talk to big boss, or trouble & city girl, or blade.....i ain't been on the bowl in a while, not even sure if the last 3 are still around.....have heard boss out there relatively recently though

Pete's always out there. Telling everyone he's on a 5 pill with some Francis on the van. Problem is whenever I point my flat side beam towards him, he's 20db stronger than the vertical. Last time he tried to pull that one over on us I told him to check his van quick because he must have rolled it over on its side to get them Francis's talking horizontal. Wayne doesn't talk on the radio anymore. Karen moved to North Carolina and I've heard Larry once recently testing an amp for someone.
As I'm thinking about this the smarter move may have been to disable the 2SC2290 in the Texas Star and keep the amp in the radio cut back to drive the 4 finals. That's going to be easier than rebuilding the radios final stage.
How do I go about removing the 2290 in the amp

Whoa; hold on a minute. Don't think you want to do that either. There are mods on the internet that I've seen that shows how to bypass the amp. It uses a switch that will defeat the amp's 12v feed power. So you might look/find the article, post it here, and then ask the gurus if it is correct before doing anything. Anyway, that is what I would do and why I would do it that way.

I would do it this way - rather than hacking up the radio as you first planned.

If this is what you want to accomplish; then you do NOT want to put an IRF520N in your radio - either. You won't need to. If it has the 2sc1969 final transistor (probably); then this should drive your TS-667 as you want it to do/as it should be done.
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Whoa; hold on a minute. Don't think you want to do that either. There are mods on the internet that I've seen that shows how to bypass the amp. It uses a switch that will defeat the amp's 12v feed power. So you might look/find the article, post it here, and then ask the gurus if it is correct before doing anything. Anyway, that is what I would do and why I would do it that way.

I would do it this way - rather than hacking up the radio as you first planned.

If this is what you want to accomplish; then you do NOT want to put an IRF520N in your radio - either. You won't need to. If it has the 2sc1969 final transistor (probably); then this should drive your TS-667 as you want it to do/as it should be done.
my radio is putting out 1.5 watts right now on peaks. sometimes the amps relay won't even click over.
Originally Posted by bigred222 View Post
my radio is putting out 1.5 watts right now on peaks.

1.5w peak?!?!?!
WHY would you do that???
That won't work with the TS-667; not enough wattage.

WHY would you disconnect the 2290's???
You don't have to disconnect them; just cut off their voltage feed.
Just one single wire cut - is all that was needed . . .
1.5w peak?!?!?!
WHY would you do that???
That won't work with the TS-667; not enough wattage.

WHY would you disconnect the 2290's???
You don't have to disconnect them; just cut off their voltage feed.
Just one single wire cut - is all that was needed . . .
that's what I did I didn't unsolder them or anything crazy there is a plug that goes from the radio to the amplifier board in the radio and that is what I disconnected the plug that feeds the amplifiers section voltage
I want to know what I have to do to either make my radio output just the right amount watts to feed the single 2290 in the amplifier or how to disconnect the 2290 that is in the TexasStar and reconnect the amplifier in the radio and drive it with my radio as I would normally use it just turn the power all the way down so I dont overdrive the 4x2879's
how do you suggest I go about doing that?;;

I have never liked doing mods to radio's like a 95T where you turn off the amplifier section, defeates the whole purpose of a high powered radio. Anyone that runs an RCI 2970/Galaxy 95T/ Galaxy 98 that wants to run an amplifier must buy an amp big enough to handle the power the radio dishes out.

If the Galaxy 95T is your radio you will run then I would sell the Texas Star 667 and buy this amplifier.

TNT 1200HD

I am also not a fan of messing with a 667 to turn it into a straight 4 pill. Once again the solution is sell the amp and buy a Texas Star 500v. Even at that though a 95T is still way too strong for a Texas Star 500. You have to way de-tune the radio to make it work. Why buy a hotrod radio like a 95T only to de-tune it so you can run a smaller amp with it. Makes no sense.

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