icoms, and nascar
229 i pretty much retired my 706 MKIIG (great radio) when i bought my IC7000 a year ago (a even better great radio)"[/quote]
yeah, i have heard 4/5 good things about the 706 MKIIG...only bad things have been heat issues and some sort of power / clicking issues. however, the way i see it, it's going to be a mobile-only rig, mainly so i can do a bit of dx-ing on the commute to / from work. overall, though, i understand it's a good--and far more simple-to-operate--radio, compared with the 7000. i think the 7000 will do me well as a first base-station radio--only thing i can see it doesn't do is maybe satellite, and it's going to be awhile before i have the space to put up an antenna farm, so it's going to be awhile before i can do much in terms of sat anyway. by then i'll probably want a kenwood or something that will do 1.2GHz...
my main question on the 706MKIIG, really, is whether it can do data (PSK31) as well as voice and cw. i don't plan on getting into cw for awhile, but eventually i will itch that scratch, as well.
...whoever posted about the daytona 500: no, don't watch NASCAR...in my mind, "go fast, turn left, don't crash" is not terribly exciting. i can watch my dogs do that in my living room, and there isn't a commercial break every lap-and-a-half. (i *know* i'm going to get flamed for that...)