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i got a LA 225 amp

So you asked for a radio check using a 200 watt mobile on Channel 6 and someone gave you a radio check? Good story megatron!
LA amps are nice.
I didn't see the cig lighter plug the 1st go around lol, what city were you in when you got a radio check, just asking?
Wayne, Wayne what have you done?? Giving hope to someone?? Like I asked before what state or city were you in when you asked for a radio check as most on channel 6 don't respond to radio check calls lol. Have fun with it and be careful, with great power comes great responsibility. Have fun and god bless you man you made my night!!!!
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Physco you make me laugh my ass off. Must be the "upgraded" cig lighter!! Smell something cooking, smells like la225 to me lol.
picked it up from wayne.. hooked it up and mane i love it
asked for a radio check on 6 a driver in florence ky heard me

I gave up on trying to get a radio check on 6 years ago. Mostly cause I can only understand about 20% of what those guys say. M M Maul being the exception... I run a 2 pill out in the truck...maybe I should rewire it to a cig plug and try again. "630 in this mudduck mobile in the corn fields of central Illinois AND I JUST GOT DOWN"

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