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IC-7000 - update coming?


Sep 10, 2011
There is a lot of love for this mobile radio, and it has features I like, so I'm thinking about buying one.

My worry is - it has been out quite a number of years now, and has a few flaws that would likely be fixed in an upgraded version. So, anybody know of an upcoming replacement?

Haven't heard of a thing. I would be surprised if we saw a replacement any time soon, but you never know!
Using the 706 MKIIG as an example, it has gone through many updates through its lifespan without any "advertised updates", I suspect the 7000 has and will do the same.
Using the 706 MKIIG as an example, it has gone through many updates through its lifespan without any "advertised updates", I suspect the 7000 has and will do the same.

Would that equate to going to the doctor for a physical? make an appointment to have a prostate exam for the 7000 ?
I wonder if updates have been done to the radio but without a lot of publicity or formal announcement. When it first came out, some had an overheating problem. However, those complaints seem to have disappeared. The early models also were said to have a problem with the audio requiring a modification to the mic. Again, that complaint is not heard anymore. Personally, I have never had an overheating or audio problem with mine, but the model had been on the market a couple of years before it was purchased.
Would that equate to going to the doctor for a physical? make an appointment to have a prostate exam for the 7000 ?

That avatar is

how about a software update??? is that possible?

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