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It's on the way.


W9WDX Amateur Radio Club Member
Oct 1, 2011
Southern New Jersey
Well I placed the order Galaxy DX-99 V2 Dave said it will take a day or 2 to get it in. He will set it up and ship asap. Can't wait. Thinking about getting a small base box for it.

It's inside on the Main bench, Had to try it cause I am an old school and just coundn't pull the trigger on a 955... DTB did a nice job on a DX-979 and I wanted a 99V2 for a long time. The reports on the 955 are all noisy on the receive. Like the Optmia but it reminds me of the 2950 and I liked the Galaxy set up better.. so Here we go.some day I will have owned them all anyway. so far my keeper radios are a Cobra 148 GTL 1991 phili model I would say it.s a 10 and a Uniden washington also a 10 both clean and stock the kind stuperhawks screws people out of and resells for radios owned by God.
JMO but I think a Galaxy radios tuned properly and warmed up for a short peirod will not drift . If your radio is drifting like a drunken sailor then it a tune up problen or temp issue.mobil in the cold etc.
If you're going to get an external speaker for it look at the BHI range. They have built in DSP to help reduce the noise and its quite good, especially on SSB.
That or the West Mountain DSP external speaker. AES carries the one I listed along with some others I'm sure. This one seemed to have good audio quality as well.
I like my 99v2, it drifts, but I'm 100% mobile, and I unlocked the fine clarifier so no worries. I would rather a side mic jack, however.
Got the radio yesterday. Packed properly and operates like a dream. I have had good luck with Galaxy radios and have been happy with the way the sound on Receive as well as tramit. Was talking last night and wired up a road devil mic to see how well it works woth the radio. Hope to have time this weekend to see how the ssb works. All the other options and features work good.
Got the radio yesterday. Packed properly and operates like a dream. I have had good luck with Galaxy radios and have been happy with the way the sound on Receive as well as tramit. Was talking last night and wired up a road devil mic to see how well it works woth the radio. Hope to have time this weekend to see how the ssb works. All the other options and features work good.
Thursday night SSB on 38 lsb late evening skip California comming in 3 stations I herd and called Australia The called my numbers and the 3 guys from Cali caught on and took control of the chanel... 99-V2 and KL-203
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