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Just starting on the new shack


Supporting Member, W9WDX ARC Member - WD8T
Nov 3, 2009
West Central Michigan
We just got into the new house completely last weekend and along with a few other side jobs that need doing I started on the shack yesterday. Unpacked some of my mics and ran some Davis rf Bury-Flex and their RG8X sized direct bury coax through the ceiling and what a pain that was.

I'll do some more unpacking throughout the week and figure where my antennas are going up in the yard. I'm also waiting for one of the W8AMZ /ZS6BKW multiband dipoles to get here. It's slow going but I'll get there. The three most important aspects of the shack are already there. It's in a finished basement (man-cave) and a nice clean, pre-built space, bathroom is 5 feet away and there's a refrigerator in the next room :)


Good deal! What kind of real estate do you have in the back yard for antennas? Any trees you can use?


Back yard is about 140' deep and 90' wide with a row of 70' tall pines lining the back of the property and two nice big oaks close to the house I estimate at 50' or so. I measured it off and I can get a 120' flat top up with no problem and I'm anxious to start tossing lines into trees...lol

How did you run your Bury Flex? I'm thinking of putting a 4x4 post in the yard somewhere and running the coax underground to it with a junction box on the post and a remote coax switch. That way it's central to anything I put in the air and I can use shorter runs of RG8X to the antennas rather than heavier RG8 type like the Bury Flex. I have no plans for another tower. Been there and done that and I can do what I want with wire antennas. Maybe a 10 meter moxon later on.
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Back yard is about 140' deep and 90' wide with a row of 70' tall pines lining the back of the property and two nice big oaks close to the house I estimate at 50' or so. I measured it off and I can get a 120' flat top up with no problem and I'm anxious to start tossing lines into trees...lol

How did you run your Bury Flex? I'm thinking of putting a 4x4 post in the yard somewhere and running the coax underground to it with a junction box on the post and a remote coax switch. That way it's central to anything I put in the air and I can use shorter runs of RG8X to the antennas rather than heavier RG8 type like the Bury Flex. I have no plans for another tower. Been there and done that and I can do what I want with wire antennas. Maybe a 10 meter moxon later on.

Wow, you are set! You know, I like the loop antennas... just sayin'. ;) I STILL haven't buried my coax. Really need to get around to doing it. Maybe this holiday weekend coming up will be ok. I know what you mean about towers. Things get really pricey really quick. Long enough wire antennas work great, and you can point them for best coverage. I talked to a guy a few months back that had a wire beam up for 40 meters, and he was slamming into Texas from Georgia. The Moxon would be nice... maybe one for 6 meters too. That band has sure been hopping lately.

Of course, we are going to need more pics! :)

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Ah, so you decided on the Yaesu after all. I think you'll really like it. There are some tips on the internet for setting the contour, and it works great. Really "pops" the signals out of the noise. Just curious on the mic... are you using the USB input, or going via the mic connector on the front of the rig?

Looks like you have a Kenwood too, but I can't tell what model? And you need some more microphones. :p Sheesh, I thought I was bad! :LOL:

Ha! Yea, I still have boxes to unpack...too much stuff. I held off on buying the Yaesu until was sure it's what I wanted. The TS-590SG almost had me but I was impressed by the reviews and specs of the 1200 and I like the way Yaesu lays out the front controls. It's also a nice big radio without the tiny buttons that frustrated me on the TS-2000. You're right the receive on the 1200 is awesome and the contour works really nicely to make incoming audio pop out of the hiss.

For now I'm just using the hand mic. I'll get the Heil GM4 wired this weekend. The USB port is an option on the 1200 that comes standard on your 3000.

I have an MXL 990 studio mic in a box somewhere I want to use with the Yaesu without rack gear except for a small Behringer mixer. Heil pro line headsets also work really well with the Yaesu rigs.

The smaller radio is a Knwd TS-140S. The first new hf radio I ever bought circa 1989. It's really nice for general shortwave listening.
Ha! Yea, I still have boxes to unpack...too much stuff. I held off on buying the Yaesu until was sure it's what I wanted. The TS-590SG almost had me but I was impressed by the reviews and specs of the 1200 and I like the way Yaesu lays out the front controls. It's also a nice big radio without the tiny buttons that frustrated me on the TS-2000. You're right the receive on the 1200 is awesome and the contour works really nicely to make incoming audio pop out of the hiss.

For now I'm just using the hand mic. I'll get the Heil GM4 wired this weekend. The USB port is an option on the 1200 that comes standard on your 3000.

I have an MXL 990 studio mic in a box somewhere I want to use with the Yaesu without rack gear except for a small Behringer mixer. Heil pro line headsets also work really well with the Yaesu rigs.

The smaller radio is a Knwd TS-140S. The first new hf radio I ever bought circa 1989. It's really nice for general shortwave listening.

I was the same way with the 590. When I sat down in front of it, I didn't like how small it was and how tiny the buttons were. The 1200 is what caught my eye, and then I decided to pony up for the 3000 because of exactly what you mentioned... having to add the other features was about another 400 bucks, so I decided to pull the trigger on the bigger brother. (Mind you, I had just sold a house and had some denero in my pocket). I am still impressed with the receiver... I listen with a pair of AKG K271 MKII's, and never get tired of listening.

I am using W2IHY gear plus additional settings via the eq in the rig, and get excellent reports. Microphone is an MXL R144 ribbon mic. Those 990's get rave reviews, and I am thinking of going to go with one, or something similar with a cardiod pattern because of all the noise in my shack. I have also been playing with software based tx audio, but have not been able to eliminate RFI as of yet. Going to have to choke the death out of everything in the shack, I guess!

I really like your setup... lots of room, and I always like an L shaped desk anyway. Keep the pics coming as you get it all put together!

Shack is coming along between side jobs...I'm pretty sure the space to the left of the LDG tuner needs an amp :). I have a ZS6BKW multi band dipole up at 50' and I had blast with it yesterday during field day. I'm loving the FTDX-1200. Awesome receive and I could listen to the audio all day long with the Contour filter in.

Also a subtle change you can't see is the lemony fresh scent of the wood cleaner I used on the shelves..:whistle:

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I was tied up all weekend and didn't get to play at field day at all. Didn't get to play at home, either! Your setup looks really good, and I'm glad your new antenna is working well for you. I only WISH I could go up 50 feet. As far as the amp goes, what are you considering?

Probably going to get another Ameritron 811 if I can't find a good used SB-200 with the basic Harbach mods done. I've had both the 811 and 811H over the years and the extra 600 watts can make a big difference in a marginal contact. If you follow W8JI's tune up info the 811 tubes will last a long time. I also have a tuning pulser in a box somewhere that makes tune up easier on the 811's.
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Probably going to get another Ameritron 811 if I can't find a good used SB-200 with the basic Harbach mods done. I've had both the 811 and 811H over the years and the extra 600 watts can make a big difference in a marginal contact. If you follow W8JI's tune up info the 811 tubes will last a long time. I also have a tuning pulser in a box somewhere that makes tune up easier on the 811's.

811H is really a good amp for the money. My AL80B gave me a little more headroom (for my comfort). I bought it used from a local club member. No shipping unless you count taking a ride in my pickup. :)

I haven't used one of the tuner boxes, but have found that Ameritron's guidlines for tuning gets me tuned up pretty quick wherever I go.

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I found a couple local hams selling amps. One has an 811H that is his backup with almost no use on it and the other an SB-200 with new power supply and all the Harbach mods. I had no idea 572B tubes we so scarce now so even tough I'd love to have the SB-200 I think the 811H is the better way to go. Both are priced to sell and matched set's of 4 Taylor 811A's are plentiful at about $127.00 for the set. Good 572B's are selling for upwards of $200 a piece!!! Iffy Chinese 572's are out there but rumor has it they are returns that didn't pass QC.
4 Taylor 811A's are plentiful at about $127.00 for the set. Good 572B's are selling for upwards of $200 a piece!!! Iffy Chinese 572's are out there but rumor has it they are returns that didn't pass QC.

They are ALL CHINESE...Ask Ameritron about 25% failure on New 811A's from factory...I was just lucky to find a NOS set of Svetlana 572B's and 811A's (3) each couple weeks ago for my AL-811...
At least Taylor(RF PARTS) does have them tested before they ship!
All these nice amps out there and no good supply of tubes to fit them...unless your willing to pay more than they are truly worth...
All the Best

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