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LA Area repeaters


Oct 9, 2009
I will be heading down to Los angeles this weekend and was just wondering if some locals could point me towards some good 2m and 440 repeaters in the area.Thanks

Which part of L.A. are you going to be in? It's a big place! I posted a CSV file with a lot of the Southern California repeaters in the RTSystems repository thread.
Which part of L.A. are you going to be in? It's a big place! I posted a CSV file with a lot of the Southern California repeaters in the RTSystems repository thread.
LOL same thing i tell people when they say they are going to be in the Bay area!
I'll be Driving down to inglewood For an event at Hollywood park will be heading down the 101 from monterey area
LA, Orange county repeater

147.090 MHz + 79.7Hz AA6DP /R Catalina island
146.385 MHz + 146.2 Hz KE6TZG /R Keller Peak

those 2 are the repeater have good coverage and used often.
LOL same thing i tell people when they say they are going to be in the Bay area!
I'll be Driving down to inglewood For an event at Hollywood park will be heading down the 101 from monterey area

In addition to the ones already mentioned, try the Mt. Wilson repeater from the Inglewood area - it should be good:
449.360- 167.9

147.435 has activity going 24/7, but it's not for the faint of heart. :)

Driving down the 101 is going to be spotty. There are a several repeaters around Paso Robles, Lompoc, and on the top of the mountain above Santa Barbara. Let me know if you want me to look them up, but I'm pretty sure they're in that file I mentioned. I'm not very familiar with anything much north of Paso Robles.
Thanks for the input i think i have everything covered now.I Knew all the repeaters down to SLO so these helped fill in the Rest Thanks.

47.435 has activity going 24/7, but it's not for the faint of heart. :)/QUOTE]

i'm gonna start listening to (w6nut) "the NUT" again. they do stream the audio:blink:

sometimes ya feel like a nut, sometimes ya don't.......:whistle:

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