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Best MFJ products that I currently own & use. MFJ 259B Antenna Analyzer,MFJ 929 Auto Tuner,MFJ 874 Grand Master wattmeter .Lucked out on all of those but I must say they all work great. MFJ = My First Job. LOL Gives them an excuse for so many errors.

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All in good shape now. The wire with the cut only had one strand holding it. It was in a 3 wire coax type cable shielded and when the cut the casing they actually cut all 3 inner wires. What a job to fix. The meter is glued in the front panel so that was not coming out without breaking it. All 3 wires now fixed.

The inside of the tuner was loaded with metal shavings and aluminum dust. It also had solder chunks and bits of cut wires inside it. I can not believe they let anything go out the door like that. If this is made in USA I would have to say buy Chine. I do see that the piece on the side that flips down does in fact work.
Now back to my antenna problems.

I wish someone from MFJ would read this. Not that they care anyway or there products would have more quality.
The way I see it, MFJ sells partially assembled kits. With a little clean up work you get a very usable product at a very good price point. If you want a really good tuner out of the box you should be looking at palstar or similar. If quality manufacturing is important to you, don't buy the least expensive product on the market then complain about it not being the best.
MFJ....kind of like heathkit but requires less assembly. :LOL:

Does any company make a basic meat and potatoes tuner anymore? They all have built in watt meters with backlights, antenna switches, baluns.....nitro knobs, echo, talkback and roger beeps. :whistle:

The modern ham has an swr/watt meter in his radio, amp and tuner. They all give different readings. :ROFLMAO:
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The way I see it, MFJ sells partially assembled kits. With a little clean up work you get a very usable product at a very good price point. If you want a really good tuner out of the box you should be looking at palstar or similar. If quality manufacturing is important to you, don't buy the least expensive product on the market then complain about it not being the best.
You do have a point there.
Anytime I buy a new MFJ product, if it is in a metal enclosure, I take the top off and turn it upside down and gently shake.

All (most) of the production clippings drop out.

That being said, I have never had any problems with any used MFJ products. I guess the previous owner shook them too.
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Bought this early this year. Been interesting to see what-does-what while mobile in a Peterbilt. It’s the same width as a large case CB.

Sold me on cross-needle. Received signal strength the other really interesting item to have aboard (on the radio).

Continual geographic changes make “reading” the signals to be of interest. And of reports of how I’m getting out. Meaning, two drivers trying to correlate info received (bad wreck, but what highway and in what direction?, etc).

Had read criticism of My First Job products. Opened it with not knowing what to look for. Nothing appeared amiss. Nothing rattled around. Seems to do what it’s supposed to do. Following the directions sharpens things right away.

Once I’ve set up with what will be the optimum on the Pete, the tuner will get dropped off at the house.

For $140 shipped, I’m happy to have yet another tool.

Had I read farther that day I’d have opted for the 949 model with built-in dummy load. The TRC-2 Radio Carrier can accommodate the extra width.

The alternative is a separate coax switch and dummy load plus yet another jumper. I can just barely fit that.

Truck mobile is it’s own little world, I guess. My radio is on about 14-16/hours daily. MFJ prices are good enough.

Thinking about a home base is something else altogether. Why the new-to-me DENTRON info seemed great. Price & performance.

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