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Mobile Antenna Recommendation


New Member
Feb 22, 2023
Hi All,

I'm new to the forum but have been playing with radios for, at least, 25 years. I got a Technician license a few years back and have been using it mainly for 2m. I haven't been on 11 meters in about 10 years but recently found that export radios have gotten a lot smaller and will actually fit in my current car. I am strongly considering the Anytone AT-6666 radio because of its power, SSB capability, and generally good reviews. I'm looking for a recommendation on what antenna setup will give me the best performance for my situation. I drive a Forester with a 2m antenna in the center of the roof.

I'm thinking either a K30 or Firestik Firefly 3' magnet mounted in the center of the roof (I will move my 2m antenna to a back corner or the roof), or a Firestik FireFly 4' mounted with an SS-204 hatch mount high as possible, probably on the passenger side. I'm trying not to go more than 3 1/2' above the roof line.

I also considered the Wilson Silver load, Hustler 4' FG27S, Skip Shooter, etc.

I currently have both a Wilson 1000 lip mount and a Wilson 2000 trucker with a 22" lower shaft. Both are long for what I'm trying to achieve but I may give the trucker a try with the rear hatch mount.

Let me know your thoughts and suggestions for other options. There is a lot out there!


Thanks. I ended up with a 4’ Firefly. I tested it on a mag mount and was able to talk to the West Indies from New Hampshire. I got a Comet hatch mount that I hope to install today. I’m adding a quick disconnect so I can play around with different antenna options.

I also built a horizontal Dipole and threw it up in the attic for testing. With that I have talked to Wales, England, and Germany. Of course some stateside contacts as well. I’m really enjoying the AT-6666.

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