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Ned some opinions


Instigators ...173 on the southside.
May 24, 2010
I put up my sation at my cottage here in Michigan today and just want more, Here's what i have.
peaked and tuned Galaxy dx949 pyramid ps8-kx 75' Browning BR-400 50' mast 6' copper ground rod Protron P-99 base antenna

I have a little cash to play with and am wondering about improvements
RFX75? IMAX2000? And would my Pyramid ps8-kx run my radio with a RFX75 installed or do I need more amps? I know many will say just add an amp but then I am looking at $$$ for a power supply and amp. I'm not looking for massive power just 75+ watts. I seem hear everyone in skip land but can't seem to break through and make any contacts. I guess what I should say is if this were you would you install a RFX75 or buy a 5/8 wave IMAX2000. I would love to do both but money is tight right now and I'm just reinvesting the $100 I got for selling my Alinco 2 meter on Ebay. If I spend more than $100 I have to let my wife spend the same amount on anything she wants with no complaints.:eek: I will be back in Chicago on Monday and will be spending money then. Any opinions welcome but I'm asking for help here not negativity on your thoughts of my equipment. Thanks in advance. Bamm Bamm By the way my tech has the RFX75 in stock and charges $90 installed and I can get the IMAX from a different supplier new for $105 cash and carry here local.

id get the best antenna i could afford , and then consider more power if i felt i needed an additional bump . more power will just get you out farther . a better antenna will both get you out farther and also improve your ears .
with the rfx-75 installed will push you power supply to it's very limit and will most likely fail, best to get a power supply that will produce at least 12 amp constant.
IMO... go with the Imax or the 5/8th ground plane for starters. You have a real good radio and excellent coax so you might as well complete the basics of the station with the best antenna that you can get. Since you will need a power supply with a higher amp rating for the RFX75, I would get them down the road when you have the extra cash to get them both at the same time.

Nothing wrong with the A-99 (or similiar antennas), but you'll probably find a little extra gain in transmitted and received signal with the 5/8th or Imax. When I changed antennas, I was using an A-99 with very good results. When I installed the Imax, it was in the exact same location (same mast, height, coax, coax kength and radio) and I noticed a small improvement (about 1/2 to 1 S-unit) over the A-99 on both transmit and receive.
I have read many posts by both of you and respect your thoughts. I think it's going to be the IMAX as I am limited to what I can put up here "no radials and no beams or quads" I did meet a neighbor up here who is about 3 miles to the north of me who has a A-99 about 15' to the base on his roof and I went over there this morning to see his setup. His radio is a Cobra 148 gtl "new model" on a small power supply. His receive was amazing to me though, He said it was bought at some truck stop in Indiana and they tuned it for free when he bought it. My Dosy meter showed it's doing about 20 watts on AM But that receive :drool:. By the way he goes by Safecracker or 4-78 That's four seventy eight and was the date he got out of the U.S. Army.. Says it was the happiest day of his life. I tried to get him to join here but he said computers confuse him as he thinks he is too old. :LOL:

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