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Base New Imax wont tune 11m....this sucks

I must have missed the posts where you contacted them. Sounds like as a company they would be more concerned than they are showing. I know if it was my company I'd be asking what was going on, especially when this thread has been viewed 12,000 times.
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The feeling I got from there response is that the antenna was only 22' in length when they acquired the brand.
Still, a search online will show the antennas for sale and many still describe it as being 24' in length.
One has to wonder if the length change was done by solarcon ( and I kind of doubt this) down to 22 ' or Road Pro did it and don't want to state that.
I also would like to know if this change was made and never disclosed to retailers.
I would not be happy if I was selling ( and misrepresenting) a 24' antenna to my customer and he gets home and it 2 foot short.
That makes me look bad.

Just put up a Max 2000 last night, and it was right on the money for 11 meter. SWR 1.2 or less across all 40. Did not touch the tuning rings. Antenna was new stock that came from DAS.

I know of five more Max 2000's that were recently installed, and everybody says that they were spot on the money for 11 meter. I did not measure mine because rain was coming. Friend of mine measured his, and it was right at 23.5 feet.

Friend of mine that has a part time CB/Ham shop can't keep them in stock because DAS has limited him to nine Max 2000's per month. He also said DAS told him to expect a coming price increase.

From the Solarcon Max 2000 manual:

"Specifications are typical, but individual units may vary. Specifications are subject to change and improvement without notice."
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So it's now an inch shorter and not 2 feet shorter ? If that's correct then that 1 inch should be able to be corrected by the rings or make almost no difference at all.

Yes the box is now 95 inches long. Just bought a DAS new stock Max 2000, and the box is exactly 95 inches long.

The Max 2000 can't be 24 ft long this much is obvious from the length of the box, but it's not 22 ft. long either!
Just a little follow up - I've been continuing to research this and was able to talk to a couple of people directly involved with this antenna. I should have a little more information to share but I can give a couple bits of info now and hopefully this will start to clear things up.

  • Antenna is still being manufactured by the same company in Holland, OH (Tencom) where it's been made for over 20 years.
  • About a year ago UPS and Tencom got into discussions about the shipping length being oversized and UPS for years had let it pass but they told Tencom that they were going to start charging them (a lot) for oversize boxes. Tencom wanted to keep the cost of the antenna down for consumers so they looked at options.
  • The box was just a tiny bit over length so Tencom tested to see if they could shorten the antenna very slightly to make it fit without effecting overall performance. They did testing and sweeps and found they could remove a tiny bit of length from two sections without any negative effects.
  • The "Bells CB" website - they haven't had any other dealer complaints about tuning (and they have made and sold a lot of the antennas since the change). So this is still a bit of a mystery in regards to Bells.
  • The tuning section was not changed, only the length of the two sections (I should have more info on this coming).
  • The antenna resonant frequency might have shifted a tiny bit (as would be expected) but a CB user should still expect SWR's similar to the previous version across the entire CB band.
  • This was a very broadband antenna to start with so the changes shouldn't have any major effect for users.
I am expecting an email with exact lengths so we'll have them for future reference.

As "snippits75" posted above they should still tune perfectly for CB use and his response is what I what expect other users to experience. Manufacturer (Tencom, who produces for DAS) was completely up front about the changes and their testing and is confident antenna is performing like it should.

I'm just passing along the information I got but after hearing the whole story direct from the guy who's been making them for years I don't have any concerns and would continue to feel comfortable recommending this antenna.
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The reply I got, see back a little, from Road Pro is the Antenna is now 21 feet 11 and 3/4 inches long.
This it straight from them, not me.
24 feet
22 feet
21' 11 3/4 inches.
So what is the correct length?
In my vocabulary 2 feet in not a " little bit"
Maybe Poad Pro and Tencom should get together and tell us what the correct deal is, because they are telling different story's.
If Road Pro is not correct, that is on them, but they need to get it right.
Big Kahuna,
Maybe we can get them, Tencom, to address why RP is saying over two feet shorter and they say a little bit.
Are they saying the antenna was never 24' to begin with and it was just the 1/4 inch that was removed?
I sent RP a link to this thread and they never showed here.
Maybe Tencom would?

Based on what Tencom told me, I'd say the info given by RoadPro wasn't correct - the customer service team just didn't have the right info.

I am supposed to receive measurements next week direct from the technician who oversees production. Tencom was very informed and open and knew all about the changes. When I said it was shortened a "little bit" I'm talking a couple of inches, definitely not feet. :)

This happens quite often when a larger parent company or distributor purchases a brand so I'm not surprised they didn't have the correct info. Rest assured I'm trying to get the exact information so we can put this to bed soon :)
Maybe the only shortened the antenna above the coupling cap in the middle section & tweaked the cap value to compensate,

not saving much packing length shortening 2 sections of a 3 x 8ft sections antenna,
shortening all 3 a little makes more sense for packing,

interesting to hear what the factory says, only ever seen 8ft section imax's.
I think we know that the old Imax at 24' feet was basically close to 3 x 8' foot sections, and a claim about shipping problems...suggested the antenna needed to be shortened due to price considerations.

It just does not make sense, in such a case, to change the length for one or even two of these sections if the shipping problem was the issue.(n)
Saying they did not change the bottom section is a real prevarication.(n)(n)
Saying the middle section was extended is an unbelievable stretch.(n)(n)(n)

None of this explains a shipping problem. So, IMO something else is...............
Sept 2019 max2000. Mounted to a 10ft mast leaning against my fence. 100ft coax. 1.5 on my Autek wm1.here are all the measurements. Would love to see some of an old old one


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