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Noise-Cancelling Speakers: Who uses them?

I use a Cobra High Gear S-300. It's a mobile 4" speaker, I use on my base. It has a great sound, and cuts out about 75% of the noise when the button is pushed. Four years ago I paid around $35.00 for it on ebay. [photo=large]5382[/photo][photo=large]5379[/photo]

I have several of the Cobra series. S500. And the Uniden BC-20 (which has higher fidelity).

They don’t reallly have much in the way of noise filtering. Not when comparing to a true DSP unit.

But the audio reproduction beats that of a typical truckstop mobile unit by a mile. Which, along with some hiss reduction, is their strength.

Being able to mount the speaker in a vehicle separately from the radio can be a real advantage in a loud cab.

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The Sonic Cushion is a simple circuit that uses a 25 Ohm Pot and a GE-47 light bulb to level out the audio from SSB Stations. This was used years ago when CB SSB become popular and the operators wanted a way to level out the received audio. When didtance stations were received the radios volume went up, then a local would come in the audio would crash in very loud, being annoying to adjust the volume up and down all day.

The circuit is simple, the audio output from the radio is sent to the 25 Ohm Pot, one outside leg and to the Pots wiper, and to the GE-47 light bulb. The speaker is wired across the GE-47 Bulb.

You need to turn the radios volume up with the sonic cushions pot at halfway until the light starts to flash to the radios received audio. Also adjusting the sonic cushions pot for audio leveling out. I have one here some were I will double check its wiring, gee whiz its been like 30 years ago I used this on my Yeasu 902. Works great in the mobile.

More later... Jay in the Great Mojave Desert
The Sonic Cushion is a simple circuit that uses a 25 Ohm Pot and a GE-47 light bulb to level out the audio from SSB Stations. This was used years ago when CB SSB become popular and the operators wanted a way to level out the received audio. When didtance stations were received the radios volume went up, then a local would come in the audio would crash in very loud, being annoying to adjust the volume up and down all day.

The circuit is simple, the audio output from the radio is sent to the 25 Ohm Pot, one outside leg and to the Pots wiper, and to the GE-47 light bulb. The speaker is wired across the GE-47 Bulb.

You need to turn the radios volume up with the sonic cushions pot at halfway until the light starts to flash to the radios received audio. Also adjusting the sonic cushions pot for audio leveling out. I have one here some were I will double check its wiring, gee whiz its been like 30 years ago I used this on my Yeasu 902. Works great in the mobile.

More later... Jay in the Great Mojave Desert

Many thanks! That item, and/or another way of establishing a line-level output to an amplified speaker (I think Handy Andy mentioned that recently) will be useful.


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