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noob question


New Member
Nov 2, 2017
I have a FR-101 Receiver and a FL-101 Transmitter that I want to (just because I don't have enough stress in my life) add 11 meter to them. Can someone enlighten me as to how I can do it and what I need to purchase please?

Thank you kindly

I'll guess that these are the newer versions with the digital display.

Pretty sure the older ones with the analog dials had a "CB" position marked on the band selectors. After 1979, Yaesu removed that feature.

Good news is that the band crystal you need for the transmitter is the same one used in the one-piece FT101 transceiver. 33.020 MHz. That one should turn up on Ebay from time to time.

Bad news is that the receiver crystal has the same frequency marked on it, but it's *NOT* the same crystal.

Reason for this is the way Yaesu set up the receiver to line up "zero-beat" between the two separate units. Since you can switch VFOs, to operate them separately or both from the same VFO, this creates a problem. The band crystal in each unit will never be exactly the same as the other, and the same VFO setting can't put both units onto the exact, same frequency.

The solution to this was to put a fine-tune knob for the band crystal into the receiver. This permits you to set both units to run at the same frequency from just one VFO. But the oscillator circuit that includes this control is NOT the same as the one used in the transmitter and in the FT-101 transceiver.

Just one problem. They had to cut the crystal differently to match that oscillator circuit. As a result, using the FT101 crystal in the FR-101 receiver will never line up quite right. The band crystal will be wrong by 10 or more kHz, no matter where you set that calibrate knob. The calibrate control won't turn far enough to compensate and get it properly on frequency.


Back in the day, we could get them custom-made by International Crystal. They knew the difference, and had the correct correlation for that crystal in their files. Allowed them to make a crystal that worked correctly in the FR-101.

But they closed their doors back in May. Too late to order one now.

And if you don't mind the frequency display being wrong by a channel or so in the receiver, you can use the FT-101 band crystal. It will work, but the frequency calibration just won't quite adjust properly.

Those radios are hovering around the 40-year mark. Age will dictate replacement of a whole string of parts inside each unit, mostly electrolytic capacitors.

Have fun and 73!

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