Just answering here first because I saw it in a quick scan here on the forum......
If you can for me.... check all of these power supply voltages... just so that we KNOW we are right. See if you can get the output of the rectifier (the 305) and all of the 4 nodes that branch out from it.
Beyond that, I agree with Dmans. The alignment of the tuned circuits in the XMT strip is critical to getting the RF to the antenna.
At the same time... here is where my knowledge falls short... from lack of experience!
THESE DAYS... most transmit alignments just say to peak the circuits for max output.
THIS having you feed a sweep generator in and set the "skirts" of the filters... which ... in a way.... is wise as these are apparently being tuned to pass the whole BAND at 11 Mhz and, I am guessing, that a simple "peaking" might result in a narrow bandwidth resulting in different/lower power output towards one edge or the other.
I am curious..... I did not see what channel you were using to test power.
Could you try it at like... 1 & 23 & 13 or so? That gets both edges of the band and a spot towards the middle. Just looking for a difference that might indicate that the "passband" was not wide enough.
If that is it..... the only way I can think of to get this bounce back and forth between Ch 1 and Ch 23, making each adjustment and see if you can balance the output between the two. IN OTHER WORDS..... YOU are ACTING as the sweep generator.
Other than that... if anyone else has ideas.... I know I would appreciate hearing them myself so that I can boost my knowledge.
EDITED TO ADD: If someone can comment.......
It would seem to make sense to me... that if you set the radio for Ch 13 (middlish of the band) and peaked it..... you MIGHT wind up with a passband wide enough to pass everything. At least ...I would THINK that it would be balanced. The peak in the middle...then out to the skirts on both sides.