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RM italy 300p


Active Member
Sep 12, 2012
so a friend of mine has a 300p and receive stopped so i took it and had the keying relay transistor replaced thinking it was was bad and it worked fine on the bench then we hook it up in my buddys car and he keys a couple times with it on a Uniden 980 said to be keying 1.3 watts and we notice right away receive is very low but relay is engaging and disengaging turn it off and receive comes back this has an auto pre amp and 2 relays when you turn the amp on you here the relays sound like they click on and back off for a second ssb delay works like it should power is like it should is the 2nd relay for the preamp ? there is 3 keying transistors could the other 2 be bad ? im stumped...... i even took it home unhooked my stuff and hooked it up and it did the same thing so help needed please

note: he has 2 of these amps and the other one is not doing this and is working fine on the same radio and antenna

okay 81 views and no help i figured it out myself it was the tr3 preamp transistor it tested good in the circuit but when taken out it tested bad it was keeping the preamp relay engaged like it was in transmit even though it wasn't the main keying relay worked good the ssb delay was fine and with the relay transistors testing good it was odd so if anyone has the same issue that's the fix

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