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solarcon MAX 2000 ?

Solarcon. Imax 2000, A99,etc.
Depends on what title seller advertises it under. The more vague titles usually mean more jacked up asking prices.

the A99 is not the same thing, Antron 99, A99, 1/2 wave end fed antenna, about 16 or 17 feet tall

Solarcon/Imax 2000, 5/8 wave around 23 feet tall
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Look into the Sirio Tornado.......you might change your mind and save some money too.

It's not mine really I was going to help a buddy put up the antenna he said it was an Imax 2000 but the box just has Max 2000 antenna system written on it I just wanted to make sure he didn't get some sort of knock off. I did try and talk him into a Sirio product the Gain Master but wattage handling was a little short for him. he got this shipped to his door for $109.00 I guess is not to bad. but the Tornado is a pretty good antenna I know couple locals that replaced Maco V58's and seem to like the Tornado better
How many watts did he want to run? Anything over 100 is just completely pointless.

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