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Static is driving me crazy!!


Mar 21, 2008
I hope someone out there knows what is causing this and can help. I recently installed a Texas Ranger 966 and a Wilson 1000 in my 1999 ford ranger. The Wilson is a trunk mount mounted on the drivers side front fender with an aluminum angle bracket between the hood and fender. With the truck running or shut off,(doesn't seem to make a difference), i'm getting between 3 and 5 s-units of noise,(static), on the radio. I can drive out of town, thru town, sit in my drive-way, it's all the same. I've tried grounding the radio and antenna to the truck frame, with no difference. Also found out you can't have your Sirius Satellite radio on with the cb running or the noise on the cb goes crazy. Figure it must be the fm transmitter in the sirius radio causing part of the problem. I didn't know if running a ground strap under the truck, the kind that drag on the road and supposedly get rid of static electricity would help. Any suggestions? I'm stumped!!

Thats sort of an odd place to mount the antenna.
I think the wilson coil would be right next to your radiator. what are your vswrs like?

If you think its noise from the sirius, and there is no way to completely shut it off, cant you disconnect its power or remove some fuse?

As far as static buildup on the vehicle. I think most tires these days are impregnated with graphite or something slightly conductive to prevent such buildup. Usually such static buildup occurs when your moving, and then will dissipate when you slow down or stop.

With the vehicle cold, no key in the ignition, you still get this static?

Where you have that antenna mounted, I think you could pick up radiator fan noise if those fans are electric.

Hi. The swr is 1.2 on channel 1 and 1.1 on channel 40. The noise is bad all the time, just gets much worse when the sirius radio is turned on. The only electrical noise i get off the truck is the heater fan motor when the switch is on hi, and it's just barely noticable. And yes, even without the truck running, I still get just as much noise. I was thinking something is seriously wrong with this radio, so I'm going to try and find and try a different radio mounted in the same spot. The antenna is mounted on the drivers side fender up close to the windshield. The cooling fan is mechanical, not electric.
I agree with dudmuck on the antenna's location , Ford Rangers are known for there bad noise with cb radios :( You have a truck so you have more room to place that antenna else where , you may need to buy a new mount and or antenna which you can place more towards the back of the truck , there are many places you can do this. I'd bet money it will help you a lot ! It's really more so your Ford Ranger's electronics being the problem and not so much the placement of your Wilson where you have it now (although with the Ranger , it just doesn't help you much) although you can change radios and hopefully find better in noise reduction ? but I honestly don't think that's your problem with the Ranger. Move the antenna and let us know how it all works out for you. Good luck to you.
Is your ANL or NB both turned on ?? I hope this isn't too elementary . But , i just about have to ALWAYS run both in my mobiles. the only exception is if I'm stopped , out in the country & motor turned off for max reception. But, if the motor is turned on or if I'm rolling they are both ON .

Hi guys. I always have the anl\nb switch on. no problem in checking tho. Just finished doing a channel mod and the strangest thing has happened. The more i go above 40, the less noise i'm picking up. Just fine by me cause i'm usually sitting on 645 most of the time anyway. SWR is sitting at 1.1 up there and the static level dropped from about 3-5 s units to about .5. Much nicer!! Tiny bit of engine noise coming thru the power wires. Will be installing an inline filter to see if it will cure that small problem. Other than that, i think i'll leave it alone, and work with what i've got. Thanks a lot for all your help and suggestions. Great bunch of people!!! Hope to talk to some of you one day on 645 lsb. Till later.

a couple of things.

the reason you notice less static at the higher freqs is because your receiver is less sensitive up there.
yes, by 3-5 S-units.

if you were to go to 27.645 and re-tune the receiver so that the center of its bandwidth is there, you would notice that the static would be just as high as it is now in the normal cb band.

fords are notorious for having very noisy fuel pumps, among other things.

also, see this thread for more info and ideas:

good luck,

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