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Talk about A fool and his money

Didn't they quit making Blazer?

Man, I hope 22 shells don't get crazy. It's about all I can afford to shoot anymore.

I have 200 rounds of CCI mini mag 22LR plated round nosers that I can sell you for $250. PM me and I'll give you the phone number in my bunker. :laugh:

Give it 3 months and it'll blow over like 2008 all over again.
Nothing paranoid about it, do you even read the news & see what Obama's trying to do?!?

Yes I do and I have. But I haven't seen anything about him restricting ammo, reloading supplies or any of the other things except hi-cap mags that seem to be sold out or double in price lately.
Yes I do and I have. But I haven't seen anything about him restricting ammo, reloading supplies or any of the other things except hi-cap mags that seem to be sold out or double in price lately.

First thing he did in his first term was to send used military brass to the scrappers. People used to be able to buy for reloads.
I have maybe 1500 to 2000+ rounds of various 22LR. I guess I better hit a few local places and see if I can stock up.

Usually, when I go plinking I take the neighbor kids, 2 young boys and sometimes their sister will go. We can go thru a brick real easy, real fast.

I used to frequently shoot various handgun calibers and high powered rifles, but cost of ammo only allows for sighting in and actual hunting.

I'm glad that I still get a big kick outta shooting rimfire guns. Easy on the wallet for now, maybe.
If you want to see unrealistic prices, check any "assault" type rifle on "armslist.com", particularly in the Chicago area. Anywhere from 2x to 4x retail pricing. And, yes, I do read the papers and watch the news regarding what Obama is "trying to do". I'm still calling the way I see it. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions and comfort zone.
The hoarders were in panic mode in 2008, and nothing happened the way the NRA said it would.
Amazing how people would go deeper into debt and take food off their family's table to buy into another "Obama will get all your guns" conspiracy.
Other than a ban on high capacity magazines and more comprehensive background checks, nothing else will happen. Diane Feinstein certainly is no mainstream democrat and she can flap her piehole all she wants but nothing will happen.
I have nothing against 10 rd magazines and tougher background checks.
Everything will go back to normal as soon as the pinheads realize nothing much will get through congress.
As soon as it all settles down, the NRA will come up with more fear tactics to raise memberships, gun, and ammo prices.
In the last 5 years the NRA has been one of rational gun owners worst enemies.

Message sent from my bunker in an undisclosed location.
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hope no one is paying outrageous prices, went to my usual farm and home yesterday and bought a box of .17hmr for regular price!

wal mart was completely out of anything except for shotgun shells.

I don't really need to buy a lot right now, i have plenty and buy in between the "panics"

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