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The Search for the Perfect Antenna . . .

One of my neighbors behind me lives in a 2 story house so he will get a good look from upstairs at the new tower & beam when it's up. LOL There are already (4) yagis on the other tower so another tower with another yagi will just make his day.I lived here 1st & I don't care who likes them other than me.


Got this pic from your profile page. I believe you told me once it was taken by a drone. If there's not a sign a mile down the road from your home stating, "Heaven---this way>>>" there should be. (y) Sure puts my current antenna (end fed 10' off the ground) into perspective. And doesn't do much for my enthusiasm about an upgrade to a cobweb at 17'. :(

Got this pic from your profile page. I believe you told me once it was taken by a drone. If there's not a sign a mile down the road from your home stating, "Heaven---this way>>>" there should be. (y) Sure puts my current antenna (end fed 10' off the ground) into perspective. And doesn't do much for my enthusiasm about an upgrade to a cobweb at 17'. :(

Yes all of that is Correct
Got this pic from your profile page. I believe you told me once it was taken by a drone. If there's not a sign a mile down the road from your home stating, "Heaven---this way>>>" there should be. (y) Sure puts my current antenna (end fed 10' off the ground) into perspective. And doesn't do much for my enthusiasm about an upgrade to a cobweb at 17'. :(

That is correct. It is a little piece of Heaven on Earth for me. It sure provides a lot of pleasure to me and that big Oak Tree is supposed to be going away very soon and making room for the 2nd tower and the 4 element beam and maybe another antenna or two on other poles around that side of the yard.My wife does not have any issues so I sure don’t.Helps having quality feed line and great gear in the shack as well.Sure makes operating a lot of fun.

Yes all of that is Correct

That is correct. It is a little piece of Heaven on Earth for me. It sure provides a lot of pleasure to me and that big Oak Tree is supposed to be going away very soon and making room for the 2nd tower and the 4 element beam and maybe another antenna or two on other poles around that side of the yard.My wife does not have any issues so I sure don’t.Helps having quality feed line and great gear in the shack as well.Sure makes operating a lot of fun.


Be sure and take another picture once your new tower and antennas are up. I want to have one with me when I get to the Pearly Gates so I can show it to Saint Peter and say, "Point me in this direction." :p
How does this antenna compare with a hex beam? Function wise?

The hex beam is a directional antenna and requires a rotor for best all-around performance whereas the cobweb is omni-directional.

It's my understanding the hex beam's performance is comparable to a conventional two-element beam in the areas of forward gain and front-to-back rejection.

Hopefully someone who has one will chime in.
The drawing card for the cobweb is the ability to have 5 or 6 full-length dipoles in a small area. And each one can be tuned for very low SWR by adjusting the wire's length just as is done with any dipole. I don't know if there's anything to this, but many claim this configuration works a little better at lower heights than conventional dipoles.
Apparently no one actually has one of these or knows anybody who does.
So, do any of you top-echelon antenna gurus have any thoughts on this antenna?
(If replying embarrasses you, you can always include a disclaimer that states you are not, in fact, a top-echelon antenna guru if it will make you feel better.) :)
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.... (If replying embarrasses you, you can always include a disclaimer that states you are not, in fact, a top-echelon antenna guru if it will make you feel better.) :)

No embarrassment here, bottom-echelon and proud of it.(y)

Never ran one but looked into them in the past, they seem to be more common in Great Britain so those forums will have a bit more info. There are plans out there to build your own with a couple different variations on the matching.

One thing I noticed when Googling these is that nobody seems to be quite sure how to spell the name, it could be "Cobweb", "Cobbweb", "Cobwebb" or "Cobbwebb" so be sure to search them all to get the most info.

If you do get one I would be interested in your results/opinions.
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No embarrassment here, bottom-echelon and proud of it.(y)

Never ran one but looked into them in the past, they seem to be more common in Great Britain so those forums will have a bit more info. There are plans out there to build your own with a couple different variations on the matching.

One thing I noticed when Googling these is that nobody seems to be quite sure how to spell the name, it could be "Cobweb", "Cobbweb", "Cobwebb" or "Cobbwebb" so be sure to search them all to get the most info.

If you do get one I would be interested in your results/opinions.

You are right about the spelling and popularity in the UK. Quite a bit of info available. Thanks! On ebay there's a very nice looking one available from Brazil. Think I'd rather deal with someone like DX Engineering even if it means MFJ. Have a HRO about a hundred miles from here.
Will definitely report back if I get one. It's been a couple of weeks since I've done an antenna review so I'm overdue. :D
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While researching the Cobweb, I came across this comment in a forum somewhere.

"I can see setting one up in my backyard, having the HOA say "No clothes lines allowed!" and me yelling "Ha! It's an antenna!" :ROFLMAO:
With a little creativity and effort you may be able to disguise one as an umbrella on a picnic table.;)

I've also seen reports claiming that they are less effected by nearby objects/structures than most other antennas, this got my attention as if this is true it might make them a good candidate for an attic antenna.
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With a little creativity and effort you may be able to disguise one as an umbrella on a picnic table.;)

I've also seen reports claiming that they are less effected by nearby objects/structures than most other antennas, this got my attention as if this is true it might make them a good candidate for an attic antenna.

I've read that too.
But putting one together in my attic would be a major undertaking. o_O
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Will a 20 meter dipole in an inverted V at a height of 20' be workable on any other bands using most radios' internal tuner (i.e. SWR of 3.0:1 or less)?

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