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Transmission echos today


Supporting Member, W9WDX ARC Member - WD8T
Nov 3, 2009
West Central Michigan
I'm participating in the 13 colonies special event today and kept hearing the tail end of my exactly when I would un-key. It happened several times on 20 and 40m. I though someone was messing with me until I heard almost my full call and realized it was my voice! LOL

So I'd heard of this before but never experienced it. I Googled it and came up with LDE (long delayed echo). Interesting.
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RatsoW8,, you been drinking adult beverages??:whistle::whistle:

Just joking.

Last time I heard a delay echo some idiot had a sadelta echo mic on his rig talking on 75 meters,he was saying breaker one nine I am looking for a professional radio check,,should have heard the cussing on that frequency.
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I believe you!! I've experienced LDE a few times.

No you cant just put it down to "skip".Even hearing your own sig long path only results in the last syllable then click.
How far would a radio wave have to travel for you to hear your own call back? Two three times round the earth. Some have reported 4 second delay.

It.'s one of those unexplained mysteries. and has been reported since radio began ,( so no it's not a recording either.)
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Wonder if it's related!
"June 30, 2017 @ 16:30 UTC Possible Earth Directed CME A weak coronal mass ejection (CME) observed on June 28th is predicted to possibly deliver a glancing blow to our geomagnetic field by July 2nd. A minor geomagnetic disturbance may be possible at higher latitudes."
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Radio waves travel completely around the world in about 0.13 seconds and EME just ain't gonna happen on 40m. The cause of LDE's has yet to be determined however their existence is very real. One theory is that the signal gets trapped in a layer similar to a waveguide and circles the earth many times before finally breaking thru to be heard.
You just heard your signal travelled long path back to your antenna.
Easier to hear that on CW, but I heard a few times my signal when unkeyed.
That how it sounds when you receive someone LP and SP in the same time.

LDE's have a much longer delay than simple longpath or LP&SP combined. I have heard LP and SP combined and it j7st has a hollow echo sound but not delayed by several seconds.
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