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TVZ getting his ass kicked


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2014
for the last couple days, a W4### has been using 28.425 and working european DX constantly.

TVZ is getting a taste of his own operating style(y)

I think he's referring to the infamous 10-10 fella.

kinda,............ but make that the "infamous EX 10-10 fella"

they kicked him out of the organization.

now his (TVZ) latest "trick" is to make fake/degrading spots on DX SUMMIT using someone elses (kd4bvg) callsign.

guess he doesn't know that the DX SUMITT site makes all posters IP addresses open to look at:p
He has been warned at least once about trying to run other stations off "his" frequency. I wish I still had the email exchange between him and Laura. He was funny.
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I'm as green as can be... had no idea people looped recordings of themselves calling CQ.
My first contact on hf was TVZ on 10 m. It was a polite wham bam thank you ma'am sort of contact.
Few days later I hear him parked on the same freq. Figured out it was a recording. Found that strange... didn't know that was acceptable.

Now listening over a couple months I've heard him acting as though he owns 425, starting his looped cq call regardless if the freq is in use or not.

I've heard stations trying to respond just get ignored while the recording rolls every 3 seconds.... I know I know.... it's possible he doesn't hear them
I'm as green as can be... had no idea people looped recordings of themselves calling CQ.
My first contact on hf was TVZ on 10 m. It was a polite wham bam thank you ma'am sort of contact.
Few days later I hear him parked on the same freq. Figured out it was a recording. Found that strange... didn't know that was acceptable.

Now listening over a couple months I've heard him acting as though he owns 425, starting his looped cq call regardless if the freq is in use or not.

I've heard stations trying to respond just get ignored while the recording rolls every 3 seconds.... I know I know.... it's possible he doesn't hear them

TVG aka Todd has been here before and likely will be again now that another thread has been started about him. A certain member here feels it is necessary to tell him any time we talk about Todd and feels he does no wrong. Todd was a member of 10-10 International until he became completely obsessed with making contacts to get yet another piece of useless paper from them. He was eventually kicked out of the club for his operating practices. s for the voice keyer, he insists he has it set for every 3 seconds or so and that if he can't hear YOU then it is because you are running such a shitty station and shitty antenna that you do not deserve to talk to the almighty TVZ. I have PERSONALLY and UNDENIABLY timed his voice keyer at 1.7 seconds from end of one cycle to the beginning of another on MANY occasions. 28.425 is a 10-10 International frequency and he still uses it, IMHO, just to piss them off for dumping him from the club. If that is NOT true then why does he not move to another freq.? Anyway that is the gist of the story behind KC4TVZ. This thread will be watched and if it gets out of hand it will be locked. This is not a threat BTW but rather just a little heads up in case it does and in case TVZ shows up here again and it hits the fan. Truthfully I would rather it just die and scroll off the front page. :)
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Waiting on my ticket to clear and chomping at the bit to get on my allowed spectrum on 10m do you guys have a little area you talk on 10m at certain times CK ?
He runs a 3-500 into an inverted v dipole. Big watt station with no antenna to hear with.

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