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Lets just put that same display on our new President George.
They may have found a solution, or they have deep pockets for warranty work.
First time I remember reading about the nature of driving a LCD display was over 50 years ago in a data book for RCA LCD-driver chips. It stressed that the drive waveform had to be a perfect AC waveform with equal energy in the positive polarity and negative polarity sides.

Sure wish I still had that book. It went into excruciating detail about the need for this "AC-only" spec for the drive waveform, and how RCA made it happen with their LCD-driver chips from 1970.

They described the chemical degeneration in the LCD that any asymmetry or "net DC" potential would cause to the display.

This may or may not have anything to do with LCDs going south on this radio, or Cobra 29LX or any other. Just sounds like what I remember from RCA's warnings about "rolling your own" driver circuits.

I see where LesComm has figured out how to get an extended frequency range on the Uniden 980 ssb rig. Trouble is ... good old Lester is too selfish to share with the rest of us how he did it. What's the matter, Les ?? I remember when you were in the Navy and the editor of SECRET CB, and how you used to make mods you developed public knowledge. Wassa matter ... No mas ??? Come on, man. Share your 980ssb freq mod with the rest of us so we can enjoy dxing on 27.415 to 27.785 with our 980s. Eventually someone else will figure it out, and then they'll end up getting the credit. So give it up and make yourself a hero. Thanx and 73s.

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Toby at TRS posted this today.


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