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United States federal government shutdown of 2013


Obama always threatens this when he don't get his way.
he is like a child.that should be impeached.
Keep an eye out to see if Obama is slipping something else past the public limelight,say,like the UN gun ban treaty that John Kerry did. A game of distraction
My upgrade hasn't posted and my vanity call sign are all on hold until the "shutdown" is over. I'd gladly wait forever on both if most of the government never started back up again.
The government has been shut down 17 times since 1976, people. Get a grip.

Our precious federal government will still be alive and breathing after this shut down too. Don't worry, it'll be revived in plenty of time to push us all into the financial disaster that is inevitably coming. What's your hurry?
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This situation is not just affecting you guys in the states ya know.

The wife blamed the lack of pudding after dinner tonight on the US government shutdown....:whistle:

well, look on the bright side,........ when it does re-open, it will open for you a day earlier than for us.;)

how many times has Obama threatened to shut down.
every time he don't get his way. to many to count
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Haha @ the Obama putdowns/blame game. Does anyone watch CSPAN where the real action is...?

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