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Weak solar cycles = another big decline of the 11 meter local & DX population

Here in Texas it has mostly been coming in from the southeast with a little Midwest thrown in. Plus a couple of contacts to Colorado and Arizona. It kicks in a little in the morning then dies off but comes back strong after about 6pm.
Well lets see, from the West coast; I worked a NY mobile this morning, along with stations in Ohio, Wiscosin, Michigan, Ky, ILL, N.D. Montana, Ontario Canada, Sask. and Alberta.
Got tired and shut the radio down, enough was enough.
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Here lately in Texas the best skip has been in the late morning, it dies out in the late afternoon and comes back after 6 pm. The skip after 6 pm has been crap. It's just a bunch of noise out in the distance, a bunch of people coming over the top of each other and a few diarrhea of the mouth big stations super engaged in conversations with people I can't here. A lot of them are west coast. Most of the time no one answers me, if someone does answer they fad out quickly. In the morning I have been having 10 minute conversations with people that sound like they are local, mainly out east. Oh and the truck wash lady in Tennessee is back on channel 19 repeating herself every 5 minutes. Today she was talking about free hotdogs with a truck wash or something. o_O
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Here is where the truck wash lady is, Finish Line Truck Wash in Fairview, TN, look at that big antenna! Man she annoys me. Sounds like a nice lady but.....


  • truck wash.GIF
    truck wash.GIF
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Those truck wash ladies need to find the volume knob on their radios. Either that, or wait until a break in conversation.

They all seem to key their mics in the middle of someones sentence, then proceed to read a 5 minute script. They interrupt traffic updates and other semi-important (heh) conversations, all the time. It wouldn't be so bad if they shortened their speech to a couple of brief sentences, then left instructions to make contact on a different channel.
Now we have smart phones which can talk reliably round the world for free with no external antenna and google maps and Waze can show you in real time where the jams and frequently police are...so who needs a CB radio in their truck?
Who needs skip to talk round the world?
Put the radios in the cupboard with your vinyl records and move on....
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Now we have smart phones which can talk reliably round the world for free with no external antenna and google maps and Waze can show you in real time where the jams and frequently police are...so who needs a CB radio in their truck?
Who needs skip to talk round the world?
Put the radios in the cupboard with your vinyl records and move on....

This site does not have a smart phone section. If you really think that why are you here?
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Now we have smart phones which can talk reliably round the world for free with no external antenna and google maps and Waze can show you in real time where the jams and frequently police are...so who needs a CB radio in their truck?
Who needs skip to talk round the world?
Put the radios in the cupboard with your vinyl records and move on....

I have a smartphone. I have Google Maps. I even have Waze.

Even so, I still find my CB to be more reliable than the aforementioned phone and apps, when it comes to getting real-time traffic updates, while driving MY truck.

I don't have to do anything to get updates, either. Just leave the radio on and listen. I also don't have to take my eyes off the road for that.

I also get updates on wildlife lurking near the roadside; a potential traffic hazard. If something is visibly wrong with my truck, such as a burnt out light, or something hanging from my trailer, someone inevitably tells me about it. If some jackhole is weaving through traffic, I get a warning to watch out for him. More than once, being able to communicate with other truck drivers has kept me from driving into bad road and weather conditions.

Another thing; cellphones only work where there are towers. There are still plenty of places where I can't get decent signal on either my Sprint-tower phone OR my Verizon-tower phone. But, I can still talk to nearby trucks.

So, no. I won't be disposing of the radio, just yet. That would be foolish and irresponsible of me.
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Now we have smart phones which can talk reliably round the world for free with no external antenna and google maps and Waze can show you in real time where the jams and frequently police are...so who needs a CB radio in their truck?
Who needs skip to talk round the world?
Put the radios in the cupboard with your vinyl records and move on....
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Chill Guys look who posted.
But it is true when you think about it.

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