south texas dx today
good DX this morning and i had to get off about 1000-1030 cst ...I know i missed some good ones!!! as i was shutting down central and s america was starting calling into europe.
Mike I was sure I heared you today about the time i was shutting down called ya 9wr2000 right....if it was you were 20 over in south call is 2 division 333 south texas usa. I'll listen in the morning and we'll hook up.
The DX was good to me today....logged some new ones
88et001 cuba oscar was smoking into tx
22at109 french guyana, john good signal heared him several times calling cq
347la125 albert curacao island new division for me
44cd113 albert warden, s africa!!! new div. and my first contact into s africa
14fb001 france heard this stations qso with the 44cd113! and about an hour later he answered my cq!! if i had called as soon as they finished we all 3 could have qso'd!!
1at/sc italy franco xmas contest station
29ha001 ireland during the qso he and i worked ny city, ny state mobile, penn, and tenn stations....all able to call to texas and ireland. great fun the qso lasted for 30 minutes or so and we left the freqency still working.
68lv749 n ireland mobile! to mobile 3 way qso's with canada and tenn. all getting to roberts mobile.
i copied many europeans,,,,,strong signal on a 330 slovak republic station he was covered up in a pileup instantly, germany, france, italy, denmark, england, ireland, called poland without results! and i thought the conditions were going to be slow? it was not as i expected
canada was smoking into texas again with the guy in DC and canada station creating noise for everyone....copied some heated verbage and remarked to these guys. darn shame i called the dc station yesterday and ask why he sets on 555....he told me if i needed the freq just ask?? problem ishe covers up much DX ?? i just dont get it...both these guys have better stations than i do and both just try to stir up trouble and cover the call freq. channel 19?