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Whats with the beef against CB users?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012

Figured id throw up a discussion and see how the rest of you feel.

Today I got woken up when the band started to open up on channel 38. I heard your normal DXing happening, but then out comes a random guy poking some fun at Indiana Jones from Lake Michigan. That guy basically sat there for hours upon hours not shutting up lol. Man, wonder why he is upset with the world. Few times heard some "ham" guys crawling on channel 38 and giving crap about bleeding into the "upper channels".

Either way, this is my take on it. Yes I am a licensed ham radio operator, but infact I ENJOY CB radio. You have two different crowds. Time to time I like to just relax and bullshit about anything and whatever. There are times I like to hop on 20 meters and transmit some PSK31.... But even though I know it ain't truely "legal" for CB users to go outside their bands and hammer the radio with 100s of watts, why not let CB users do their thing. I'm not encouraging for the law to be broken. Just wish that us "ham radio operators" would leave CB users alone and let them be. Not like you have a bunch of traffic on 20/40 meter bands where CB users go on.

Maybe my take is different or there are some sides I don't fully understand. I enjoy radios, so I enjoy both ham and CB. :)

same old arguments that seem to linger.

I get on the air make contacts when conditions and the crowd permits...

when the crowd gets rough, some times i play a while and when I get tired of it I shut the old power button off.

come back later when things are better.

enjoy the hobby.
Going to nip this one in the bud. We have a policy here of killing any "ham versus CB'er" threads before any crap starts to fly. And it WILL if left unchecked. It always has and it has always ended with crap from both sides before being locked down.

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