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Whoever said good fences make good neighbors, didn't live next to family!


WDX 719 / Waldo on AM
Mar 4, 2018
Sourh Eastern Oklahoma
The base station is on hold for the moment, my wife has finally decided she's had enough of her family's stupidity and we're moving. She's been boxing things up, talked to the realtor she's dead serious this time. We're the outcast of the family for some reason, don't know why and really don't care. I'm just ready to move and they can sit here and fight it out amongst them selves, we have a our eye on a house and five acres about an hour away from here. Its been 25years of someone in our business, or mad about something we've said or done, it's always something. I'm not holding a grudge or harboring any bad feelings I just want to get away from all of them, if they want to bitch and gripe fine, just leave us out of it. But since they can't seem to do that or maybe they just don't want to, we're just leaving and they can do whatever. It will just be nice to set outside and not feel like all the neighbors are talking trash about us.

When my father in law bought the 90 acres years ago he offered everyone 5 acres, they all declined, claiming they didn't want to live in the sticks. We thought great, we'll take him up on it since the rest of her siblings claimed they wanted nothing to do with it, and we won't have to worry about her siblings living near us. Wrong!! About 2 yrs after we built our house the rest of them thought, what a great idea and the next thing you know we have two of her brothers for neighbors. That's when it started to go down hill, one seemed to make it a point to show up once a month to spew his displeasure of something me, my wife or one of my kids had said or done. The other just covertly made several of my dogs disappear ( 4 dogs ) and pretty much complained anytime he felt I effected his life's ebb and flow. He and his wife have since moved, and the nephew bought his house, not an improvement in the last few months the police have been out here, none are allowed on my property, nor am I allowed on any of theirs, the sooner we can move the better. I'll have to elaborate on some of these things in the story time thread, while typing this I thought some of these happenings make for a story, don't get me wrong I'm not totally innocent, may have said and done some things but you can only put up with so much, and now we've had enough.
The other just covertly made several of my dogs disappear ( 4 dogs ) and pretty much complained anytime he felt I effected his life's ebb and flow. He and his wife have since moved, and the nephew bought his house, not an improvement in the last few months the police have been out here, none are allowed on my property, nor am I allowed on any of theirs, the sooner we can move the better.
My #2 brother pulled the same trick on my father. Got him to move in and buy the land next to his. A land grab no doubt in my mind. Dad had complained to #2 about his "Wolf Pack" being dangerous. Pop always liked the little Dachshund breed of dogs. Well dad was taking his coffee on his deck and his doxies were present. The wolf pack attacked killed one of doxies right out and maimed the other to the point where it needed 1500 stitches and survival was still sketchy. Well it died and pop was wanting to sue #2. Brother #2 and pop were setting on the deck seeing if they could work it out. Reaching an impasse #2 called his wolf pack over and shot and killed 4 of them right off the bat. He stood up and said "Problem solved?" That was the last time they talked.
Good lethal electric fences make good neighbors Family or not.
Have plenty of family that aren't blood, have relatives who aren't family , don't waist my energy on their drama , sadly your senerio is a common one , my situation I would have pressed charges, sheriff says verbal agreement has no merit , they still owe me 20,000$ , I stand my ground and they learned to avoid me
My #2 brother pulled the same trick on my father. Got him to move in and buy the land next to his. A land grab no doubt in my mind. Dad had complained to #2 about his "Wolf Pack" being dangerous. Pop always liked the little Dachshund breed of dogs. Well dad was taking his coffee on his deck and his doxies were present. The wolf pack attacked killed one of doxies right out and maimed the other to the point where it needed 1500 stitches and survival was still sketchy. Well it died and pop was wanting to sue #2. Brother #2 and pop were setting on the deck seeing if they could work it out. Reaching an impasse #2 called his wolf pack over and shot and killed 4 of them right off the bat. He stood up and said "Problem solved?" That was the last time they talked.
Good lethal electric fences make good neighbors Family or not.
I know I said I'd elaborate in the story time thread, but since I started this I might as well put it here. I know 99% on here have never met me in person, but I'm known as the nice guy, if you ask ten people of their opinion of me 9 are gonna say I'm a nice guy. I try not to rock the boat, and bite my lip more than I probably should so I feel a lot of people take me for a pushover until I've been pushed to far then they see the side they never realized I had, and you can see it on their faces, it's like this jaw dropping disbelief of what in the heck happened to this guy and why is he acting all crazy??? So big mouth brother in law shows up for his monthly visit about 9 PM one night, and I met him in the driveway told him if he came here to complain I was gonna beat his a##. So he gets out to bow up and we're standing nose to nose, he expected me to back down, but instead I looked in his one good eye and said if you want to fight I suggest you start swinging, but I promise you're gonna leave here totally blind, if you doubt I'll go for that good eye you're sadly mistaking, so I suggest you get you're fat a## in you're truck and go home. That stopped the monthly visits. I realized my other brother in law the dog killer never seemed to lose a dog from his pack, so when I got a new pit bull puppy his daughter came over to see it ,and asked what kind of dog it was ,I replied she's a pitt she said daddy's not gonna like that. And I said, when you go home tell your daddy if this dog comes up missing, I'll come over and kill every dog he owns, and surprise, surprise I never had another dog go missing from then on. But the straw that broke the camel's back was when a horse I had at the time got in his pasture and he beat him until his eye was swollen shut. I got no respect for a man that will beat an animal ! Anyway I can see him walking across to my house and I could tell he wasn't happy, he barged in the back door ranting and raving and without saying a word I just started out the door over to his place and he's running his mouth the entire way, then I see my horses eye, that was it , I looked around and found the stick he used and started walking towards him and he all of sudden asked what are you doing? And I screamed to the top of my lungs I GONNA BEAT YOU LIKE YOU BEAT MY HORSE!!!!! I was so mad my entire body was shaking, so after I called him everything but a white man I finally told him the only thing stopping me is that I know if I start beating you I'm gonna kill you, if any of my animals get on your property don't you dare touch em, call me and I'll take care of it!!! After they realized the scronny 18 yr old they once new grew up and had had enough of their crap they don't mess with me, now they resort to talking trash behind my back or posting on social media, they won't do it to my face.
My run in with brother #2 came after the "Great Dachshund Massacre."
We agreed to meet at my dads house #2 said as long as I was unarmed he would meet if my dad was not present. I said sure. First thing you need to know when dealing "Dirty Cop Brother #2" Is he will always lie to you to get the upper hand. If he gets that upper hand be prepared to have you face rubbed in the dirt or whatever degrading excrement he has. Knowing this having dealt with him as a peacemaker roll before I was armed. So was he. He was even kind enough to bring a throw down gun for me. He carried a thrown down while on duty.
For those of you who do not know, a throw down is used when you shoot an unarmed suspect and you know it was not justified. Just throw down the extra gun brought along to give your self justification for shooting an unarmed suspect.
Often you will hear the suspects relations say he did not even own a gun! That's the truth. Up to that point they did not.

He tried to bully me right from the start telling me how this was going to go down. He reached out and tried to grab me by the neck. A pistol stuck in his face stopped all of that bully bullshit. I told him this is how it is going to go down, Dad's place is going up for sale on the open market and if he does not get fair market value, You will pay the difference. The sheriff has been informed that the property is vacant and of your threats to "Burn it down rather than allow him to sell out." If you want to purchase the house and land on the open market do not expect a family discount. Our other law enforcement relatives think we should press charges against you for animal cruelty and terroristic threatening. Nothing else was said. Dad came in from the back room and he was armed too. Dirty cop almost crapped his pants. Well that's the last time I saw dirty cop. He was plenty brave on the phone, but in person would not talk at all.
You mess with any of my animals , especially my adopted Springer " Ernie " you will leave my premises in a " Body Bag " ! Like has been said they mean more to us than more people ! I lost 2 Ducks the other night , I slept in a tent near their pen 2 nights , No luck ! :mad: I will have my revenge ! Also I am the " Black Sheep " I got away from that " Yuppy " world if that's still a term & moved to the woods on my farm over 20 years ago . Living on a Lake , you have a lot of friends in the Summer . :whistle::LOL: So I ditched that & moved here . Do I have a lot of visitors .. Nope , Did it save me $ .. nope ! Animals to care of what it would cost me to feed my " Summer Time Family " . :LOL: But my wife & I are happy ! Just make the move , if that's what's needed . Stay Healthy & Safe ! 73 & God Bless ! Leo PS 66 years old , been there , done that ! :ROFLMAO:
No family located close enough to cause problems. Both my parents deceased. Youngest son lives 185 miles West of me. Oldest son lives 110 miles East of me.

My one brother lives 140 miles away to the North East. Unless he is in further away in Pennsylvania living with his wife. o_O

Brother in-law and his wife and their brood of three kids and seven grandchildren live 35 miles to the North.

Father in-law deceased. Mother in law in assisted living center 30 miles away.

Cousins don't count...no issue as all live at a distance. (y)

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