Looking for a clean good working Messenger 2.
If you can't find a messenger 2, look for a Messenger 223..... same radio circuits as the messenger 2 in a more dressed chassis.
Does the 223 have a VFO ?
No not really...The 223 is a Messenger 2 (turned sideways) with 23 channels (crystal mixed) no tune able VFO like the M2....
One of my Favorite old rigs to play with and work on years ago...
They were great preformers...AKA the Johnson "Blackface"
All the Best
I would have to look at the Tram's IF shift to know...Johnson and Regency if I remember were the same...but don't remember the Tram's set-up...
The M2's receiver's were pretty good...but the crystals most generally heard better than the VFO receive...
All the Best
I would use it as a base...