I'm noisy! Cough, hack, make remarks to my self, etc, etc. That just wouldn't go over to great with VOX, you know?
- 'Doc
Same here Doc, if I used VOX on some of our VHF / UHF simplex and repeater nets, there'd be a lot of local hams pissed off at me....
We got a few of those obnoxious long winded old timers that know everything about nothing, and tend to time out the repeater with all the "nothing" they have to say, if some of the comments I've made out loud to myself were transmitted via VOX, I'd have a pile of OO cards sitting on the desk.....:glare:
Some of these old hams are marginally tolerable during rag chew nets, but when they get on their long winded diatribes on structured RACES, ARES, or Skywarn nets I tend to blow a few "behind the scenes" fuses, and say things to myself not appropriate for amateur radio.... I just tend to say them out loud....
What SR385 said about the usual crowd on 80 meters is a good example, and if you know how to use VOX correctly it is a useful device, but I listen to several of the 3.814 clowns try and talk over each other all the time because they forget their on radio, and not in the same room as everyone else they are talking to.....
Originally Posted by n8fgb View Post
Roger beeps are not courtesy tones. They are nothing more than noise toys, with no usefull purpose other than to show off. THis makes them a violation of both part 95 and 97.
I have to disagree with you on this one, I do not believe roger beeps are against either set of rules (95 or 97), however noise toys "may" be. One of our local repeaters uses the morse code letter "K" for a roger beep, a quick unobtrusive "dah-dit-dah" is about as much as should be used, anything more and your taking the concept over the edge....
The sad reality of it is, many hams, whether newbies or old timers need to hear a roger beep to know when it's alright to key up, some are just too stupid, ignorant, or stubborn to figure out good operating practice without audible indicators.
This is not to say I want everybody to run out and get a roger beep, but I still believe it has a place in amateur radio....