I am hearing 1305 Yorkshire, England on 37 LSB now.
i think i heard you both.i was quiet n listenin in. still spurts of dx at the momentNothing worse than 38 LSB IDIOTS ! I hear a friend of mine from Darby England , I haven't chatted with in over 5 years ( or last cycle ) I called his #'s in 26 Division . Some idiot on 38 thought it was a joke ( Or maybe new or Stupid ) Ps I hope all SSB Dx shooters know their divisions ? If not I apologize . The op said " 26 Division ? " , starts laughing & proceeds to BMB ! I had him move to the uppers , we had a nice QSO . Then I chatted with another Peter this one in Northern Island , another nice QSO . Regardless of how it started off , it made my day ! It sure has been a long time chatting across the pond for me ! Now I really need to get that Beam up . If you want to know how long it's been in my garage ask the " Capt. " , FireRunner ( he's been keeping track ) . Stay Healthy & Safe ! 73 & God Bless ! Leo
I hope all SSB Dx shooters know their divisions ?
hahaha HAHAHAHAJeff you of all people I think have it figured out . RWB , Don't know why I torture myself ? 38 again , just ran into the shack to get something I forgot , turned radio as Dx is still running , made a quick contact w/ Scotland , same guy BMB . That's why radio's have " Off Buttons " ! Now time to watch Tv .