Short burst of DX 30 minutes ago to Illinois. One contact to 180-Illinois.
Ralph , now that's some coffee ! Dan , My mod is like the one W2 sells on Ebay ( I think ) from what Op's say it works well , added some Bass to that thing , almost sounds like my SSK with more punch ! I finally got it set where they say " Don't touch it " & I am loud ! Just need to wait for my next Video gate to see if it impresses me .
Hey there S&W 357, I believe I talked to you today on channel 28. I was the one in Louisiana with a 10 watt radio. 10 watt radio and factory coax at that hahaha.
sure did Codeman always fun to contact a forum member!
Thanks for coming back to my little radio. You were definitely blowing smoke down into Louisiana.
Welcome!And yesterday was so open no one had time to mention visit the internet... I didn’t turn my radio on until after 2 PM, and then It was every channel sounded like the Super Bowl until we’ll after dark here in South Carolina. Barefoot, mobile and novice, I didn’t even key a my mike. Amazing anyone can get anything done when it’s like that! I heard NC and SC making contacts in FL, AL, LA, TX, OH, IL, Montana?!, Ontario.
Oh yeh, lots of DX yesterday in/out from various directions. Contacts made in Texas, Pennsylvania & Florida.
Talking to Texas this morning.