Thanks for all the useful information! You lost me with the SDR waterfall display but I will research that.Yes, DXing is the same as "shooting skip. NO you do not need a beam or 1Kw to make long distance contacts, they help but not mandatory. When conditions are right I make good contacts with 30 watts on an Inverted V wire dipole on a condo balcony. I can't compete with the world wide needlebenders but I don't care or want to. To me the fun is in talking 2000+ miles on relatively low power and a simple but efficient setup. But that's me. If your ground plane is set up well and radiates efficiently you will make some DX contacts.
Monitor 27.385 LSB and you will hear when conditions are right. Lately for me (in the Midwest) the band is open mid-morning to mid afternoon but it can happen anytime. When things get really busy operators will move to the adjacent quieter frequencies to make contacts. Going above 27.405 if possible for you will open up more opportunities. I use a local SDR waterfall display to show me what frequencies possible contacts are on across the band. 27.415 to 27.605 can be great sometimes and much quieter. There should be a SDR in or near KC you can use. Since I'm lowish power it sometimes takes a while to be heard (sometimes not at all) but I keep trying. Having a QSO with a station in another country or on the opposite end of ours is a blast.
Hope this helps and have fun.