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11 meter is very quiet?

Hard to work much DX from NC today. Signals fade in and out quickly. All contacts I’ve made have been short lived and from varied directions.

Did manage one each to Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Texas.

Three to California. One to San Francisco. One to San Diego. One to just CA…don’t know QTH.

Heard one guy from Washington state…didn’t hear me.

Thought I heard you yesterday day on channel 17 AM. I was checking in at a lime plant in Cleburne, TX yesterday morning and skip was rolling. I wanted to try call out but I don't think the other drivers or guy running the scales and loading trucks would have cared for it.
Crawdad thanks for the links!

I was able to hit bermuda 1952
Jamaica 1963
And for 1st time ever for me the long trip to the west coast from here in south carolina!
Talked to san Francisco 259 briefly!

Well done! Hope the links helped.

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Man today sucked! I called out to any local on 36-40lsb and not a peep. Skip?? Fugggeeehhtttaaabbaaait!!!

That was how yesterday was for me, I could hear a lot of skip, but couldn't get anyone to call my numbers. Even when i got home and cranked up some heat, I only made two or three contacts.

Today was pretty good this morning made quite a few contacts.
In the big truck? Coronado? Lincoln & what antennas?

In the big truck I run a old Uniden (president) grant with a rm 203 and a browning flat coil antenna. Somedays I talk to just about anyone I hear, well not really. But there are days I have no problem getting numerous contacts.other days not so much.
I did try in my pickup with the Lincoln 2 and a Tram 3500 antenna. Once again no luck. But other days I have no problem getting out with that setup.
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Thought I heard you yesterday day on channel 17 AM. I was checking in at a lime plant in Cleburne, TX yesterday morning and skip was rolling. I wanted to try call out but I don't think the other drivers or guy running the scales and loading trucks would have cared for it.
May well have been! I was calling out on AM & SSB trying to make some contacts. o_O
Crawdad thanks for the links!

I was able to hit bermuda 1952
Jamaica 1963
And for 1st time ever for me the long trip to the west coast from here in south carolina!
Talked to san Francisco 259 briefly!

I talked to 259 San Francisco today also…395 LSB. His name is “Floyd”.
May well have been! I was calling out on AM & SSB trying to make some contacts. o_O

I remember whoever it was said they were in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina. It was busy on the radio at the plant with drivers checking in so I didn't get hear much more, but it did sound like you. I guess you roam the frequencies too. I know some guys who don't stray away from just a couple of frequencies or so.

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