Garth: The high band gain curves are on my Larcan page. It drops very fast below 174MHz to about 10dB at 144MHz. I don't like to put more than 25W drive into the converted 2M Larcan with 16dB gain, so would not expect your high band amp to work well there. I've heard of no one using the high band for anything other than 222MHz. Your dreams of 600W on 2-meters is unlikley.
Mount your dummy load resistors on one of the unused heatsinks! 800W 100ohm resistors could be ideal for my 2M Wilkinson combiner. Do they use two terminals, both isolated from the mount? If there are two I'm very interested in getting at least one of them.
Mike: Lots of guys are using the lo/lo at 50MHz with no major issues. I had spare parts left from 2M conversions so figured it was worth messing with. Check the curves for lo/lo gain response. It drops fairly quickly below 54MHz. I measured drive power vs output power. With a few capacitors the gain improved considerably. I'll get the figures at home from my scribble pad. I try to avoid more than 40A @ 50V through the modules, and chose 10W as maximum drive level. I popped a FET with about 5W drive at 45MHz. They may be delicate if not tuned properly. The original amp will produce 1kW with 5W drive at 60MHz, but only about 600W at 50MHz. I'm now getting full power out at 50MHz with about 6W drive power. Didn't turn the input wattmeter element to measure reflected power.
I have a small cup of ceramic capacitors that were removed from the modules. Everything is tossed in together, nothing sorted. The values are not identical to what Dave suggested, but seemed close enough to make an improvement. Everything is tossed in together so it will take some sorting time to find the right components. It takes several lo/lo conversions to 144MHz to get enough parts for a single lo/lo improvement on 50MHz.