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Amplifier recommendations.

Big Rig CB has them for $810. I'd call to check stock..

GIJoes says $819 and has cart button. I'd call to check stock there also

CustomCBradios is $774 says 1 in stock.
Heavent heard of Big Rig and have heard of CustomCB Radios. Wouldn't do business with GI Joes(past experience). Probably looking to buy at tax time, so have some time yet. Still searching. Opinions welcome. Thank you.
At this point amplifier production is limited by the availability of finals for most builders unless they have a supply built up. It's kinda looking like HG is going to be the only choice here sooner then later.
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There are people buying amps on e bay just to salvage the Toshiba transistors.
I have seen a few sweet sixteens with DEI transistors as well as the HG branded ones.
Now days I would want the seller to snap a picture of the inside before laying down the cash.

Yes I have seen both the new ones. I am not against it. Im no tech but after years of not being manufactured and selling for what i see as a ridiculous amount of money for something now really old like red dots. To me good stuff is worth it, to a point.
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I think the HGs will be accepted and work well. I don't see the advantage to salvage an old amp for the Toshibas. Old unknown Toshibas are hardly risk free. It's time to move on. I sure wish the LDMOS amps would be accepted by the comp guys.
I was searching for amps and came across LDMOS amp boards but its for 50 volts from what it looks like but it was fairly cheap for the amount of power 1,2,3 KW and he did say something about dropping the volts. I did ask if he would make it into a mobile and he wouldn't lol. This is way off my expertise though.
Two problems I found with the LDMOS amps are supply voltage and the input to the device is rather sensitive to destruction. I think that is why the "comp guys" are avoiding them. Personally, I wouldn't waste the funds.
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