Generally Linux will run faster on older HW compared to WinDOZE. Now based on the specs you gave the memory is right on the marginal side for Zorin. You might want to look at a "lighter" version of Linux like Lubuntu. What I mean by lighter is the desktop environment does not require heavy resources and will run faster on lower memory. You will have less eye candy but same functionality.Can I by a new HD for my old PC and run a Lunix OS and breath new life into it? The PC is a seven year old HP cul 209n. 512 MG memory with a 212 GB HD DVD + RW drive. If so. How do I go about it? Like the idea that w9cll mentioned about running the Zorin OS.
What OS are you bootingThe pc works perfectly in "safe mode" it shows 28 processes running...and it runs just fine.....then when I boot it up normally...nothing wants to work right....and its running 68 processes and the cpu light runs continuously?
What OS are you booting
Error code BIOHD-7
BIOHD-7 is a SMART drive error code. It's issued when SMART thinks your drive is failing.
Is this the new drive you bought or still the old one? If its the old one then its defective and needs to be replaced. Don't use the PC till the new drive comes in.
It the old one but it is working fine.
It the old one but it is working fine.
It WILL die.. As soon as you get the new one replace the old drive.