I prefer the heavy ones with a big transformer. I had an Astron 35a supply that was pretty darn heavy, and powered just about everything for 10+ years, but lost it in a divorce. Another older one, that I kept at work (divorce proof), was a Kenwood PS-30, which is still in use today, and still powering my Kenwood TS-50. The last PS I bought (I hope) is Yaesu's FP1030A, and it's been running radios since 2018. As far as solid-state switching power supplies, I bought one from Alinco that let out the magic smoke in a record time of 2 months, and when it was working, it was pretty noisy (electrical noise on every frequency). My only other experience with solid-stated switching supplies is an oldie but a goody: Yaesu's FP-757GX. It's about 2" high and takes up the same amount of space that the 757GX radio does (designed that way so the rig could sit on top of it). It doesn't create any noise or birdies on the 757, and the two have been in use since '84.