Iron is a poor conductor. Conductivity is the ability of a material to propagate (force vectors of dielectric discharge) an electric current. Steel, including the range of grades known as stainless vary between 3% - 15% conductivity when referenced to copper at 100%. Aluminum comes in at 45 - 61%. See the chart posted further down the page.
Iron has extremely poor conductivity.
Ranking Metal % Conductivity*
1 Silver (Pure) 105%
2 Copper 100%
3 Gold (Pure) 70%
4 Aluminum 61%
5 Brass 28%
6 Zinc 27%
7 Nickel 22%
8 Iron (Pure) 17%
9 Tin 15%
10 Phosphor Bronze 15%
11 Steel (Stainless included) 3-15%
12 Lead (Pure) 7%
13 Nickel Aluminum Bronze 7%
First things first, nosepc was a troll. I doubt he actually put up an antenna made out of iron, or had the know how to actually make such an antenna.
And when it comes to metals used to make antennas, this really is irrelevant. You said you can use EZ-Nec? Why don't you try modeling the same antenna with different metals in it and see for yourself.
Some comparison models of an antenna made out of various metals and tuned to resonance with each... This was done in 4nec2.
As we can see, the different metals don't make all that much difference when it comes to gain and angle. Seriously, stainless steel, about as bad of a metal commonly used to make antennas, has a loss of 0.07 dB compared to a perfect conductor. Good luck noticing that difference.
And here are the structure losses from the different metals.
- Perfect conductor, 0%
- Copper, 0.27%
- Aluminum, 0.33%
- Stainless Steel, 0.71%
There is a very good reason there is such a small difference in performance between these antennas. Most of the RF doesn't actually travel through the metal itself, but the space around said metal. If all of the RF traveled inside of the metal, we wouldn't have to worry about things like velocity factor, or said velocity factor would be specifically determined by the metal used, and not the dielectric material used in said coax.
The DB