I thought they were being awful nasty myselfSomeone needs to wash those ducks bills out with soap!
Just words. So if I come up to you and call you a stupid F'ing ass with the intelligence of a God D@m F'ing idiot...they are just words and you would not get upset right? BTW, that was just an example I really wasn't calling anyone those things.
An occasional off colored word doesn't bother me much. But there are guys on the radio that only seem to know offensive words. They seem to have an IQ somewhere south of an amoeba.
No, but I don't know anyone who would expect to find a peice of burnt soy and foodstuffs compressed into a pattie on a bun at a Chinese food establishment...:w00t:
T23 that has to be an all time classic answer.
I would encourage you to study and at least get your General license, could use some of your wit and remarks on 75 meters.
I thought it was kind of disappointing. If that's what one has to look forward to on 75 meters, count me out.
(this post passed the hammer test)
GLR, Don't take everything that seriously.... It's just a joke.
Rule No.1 ,never, I mean NEVER take the internet seriously.....never man ,just don't do it! ok!?
It's just not worth it...
That is good, the options is if one does not like what they are hearing, change the channel if on CB.
OR, study hard and get you an amateur radio license, then you have a lot more frequencies to hear the ELITE radiio operators using fowl language on many different modes of operation