Contrary to what The DB said on earlier posts,
Bringing my name up in a post, that can be a double edged sword to begin with, but you also said I was wrong when I wasn't... Actually, your the only person I know who has direct experience with capacity hats and still believes as you do... Anyway, when I get some time I will build a short CB antenna and tune it with nothing but a capacity hat, proving one of us is correct, I will document it as post it up as well, including pictures, and maybe even a video if warranted. Until then this discussion is tabled, and you can believe as you wish. However, like I just said, be careful about invoking my name, that in and of itself can be a double edged sword...
Maybe that's why antenna tuners are either the Inductive type or both capacitance and inductance, Gee I wonder Mr. DB?
When it comes to antenna tuners and matching circuits found on many antennas, in a vast majority of cases a combination of both inductors and capacitors are included. When this is the case, the inductors are in series and the capacitors are in parallel, or vice versa. They are never both in series or both in parallel, always one type in series and one type in parallel. Perhaps you are willing to explain to me why, careful, I already know the answer...
When it comes to using just inductors or just capacitors, both layouts will work, and both have been done. In fact, there is a method of tuning a dual band antenna with two different L matching networks one right after the other, the higher frequency uses two capacitors one in series and one in parallel, while the other band is tuned with two inductors. (NOTE: It has been a while since I studied this, I might have inductors and capacitors which which frequency range mixed up.)
An odd note about using inductors and capacitors for antenna tuning, you can actually use a series inductor to simulate the matching network effects of a series capacitor and a series capacitor to simulate the matching network effects of a series inductor. The same works for the parallel inductance and capacitance as well.
Their is a reason that at HF all capacitors are used more often than all inductors, perhaps you are willing to explain to everyone why this is? Hint: It has nothing to do with their loss characteristics, and the answer is really far simpler than that.
I know, long and offtopic, but I was asked, even if only rhetorically...
Going to your post that starts with a Verison joke (the same guy is actually advertising with another cell phone company now...).
A full 1/4 wave whip isn't perfect but it does have better radiation efficiency over coil loaded antennas since it uses no loading coils That's a fact most everyone here knows. However there is a current loss at the feed-point being near 37 ohms instead of a perfect 52 ohms, so that's why it isn't perfect either.
This statement taken from a certain point of view isn't necessarily wrong, what I would be worried about is someone misunderstanding a certain aspect so it does require a bit more of an explanation. The difference in impedance is, in and of itself, not directly where the loss the occurs. This impedance mismatch simply causes a reflection that travels back up the coax, and if the radio/amplifier was built properly, bounces off of the matching circuit (all of the reflection) and travels back towards the antenna and actually adds to the forward power of the transmitted signal. This is shown in the real world by measuring power while tuning an antenna. As antenna SWR goes down, the total power read on a power meter inline in the coax also goes down, this is true even if you are using a directional watt meter reading only forward power. Where the losses come in is when the signal travels over coax. There is no such thing as lossless coax, so a signal traveling back and forth over the coax is where the loss happens. The losses that happen are directly related to that quality and length of the coax in question.
Now I have a question for you...
Loading coils are inductive and cause losses since inductance is energy stored ( and wasted in this case ) in a magnetic field.
I can't tell if you are saying that all of the power stored in the magnetic field is, in this case, lost or not. By the way it is worded, I would assume you are saying it is, but I am not sure. Perhaps a further explanation on how you see this working, even if it is only for my benefit?
Unless I missed something, I agree with the rest of what was written in said post.
Now to Needle Bender...
My favorite mobile antenna "creation" which I made from odds & ends in the shop, has about a 3MHz bandwidth @ 2:1, and outperforms a 102" whip (and all other antennas tested against it - all of which were also mounted atop the center of the roof) - to a local internet-linked receiver approximately 12 miles away.
A few things on this...
1) Pics or it never happened, vids of the testing are even better.
2) Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and sating a shorter mobile antenna outperformed a longer one is such a claim.
Not lossy at all, at ~12 miles it beats the 1/4 wave whip!
Actually, to both of you, it is possible for an antenna that has more losses than another to outperform said antenna under certain conditions. Losses, while important, especially in the very high loss mobile environment, are not the end all and be all of antenna performance.
It required several days of calcs & trial/error in building. Bringing calculations to life in the real world is sometimes a daunting task when it comes to fashioning materials to make them do what you want.
Post up the calculations, I would love to see them.
I also note the method you used to test said antenna is flawed. S-meters are notoriously inaccurate to begin with, and to add to that the ALC circuit found on modern radios throws this off even further. With modern radios, a weaker signal may actually appear stronger than an actual stronger signal. I know you know this. So I have to ask, what other methods of testing have you done?
Unlike a lot of people, I am leaving the door open that a shorter antenna, under certain circumstances (that take more than just loading/matching losses into account) might actually be able to outperform a slightly longer antenna, however, I don't see it making so much of a difference that you would notice...
As I said above, extraordinary claims...
The DB
Edit note: I removed a sentence and corrected grammer and spelling. I normally do that before posting, unfortunately time did not allow for that this morning.