dont be fooled by the stated vf of coaxial cable, you will find small changed in sections from the same reel let alone different brands,
i have been cutting for electrical halfwaves for years and just recently i changed the rg58 on my magmount.
cut it as usual with some spare to trim back,
after testing several loads and t-pieces for the best match i hooked up the coax and swept it with minivna :shock: its too short way too short,
next i hooked up my base coax rg213u ( propper mil spec from our royal navy not the cheap stuff sold as 213 in our cb/ham shops it wont even fit in most cb pl259's ) wow only about 2" too long thats close to say i measured it with a tape measure over around 200ft of coax,
i am with richard on this,
if the coaxial length between either radio/amp or amp/antenna changes anything but the tiny difference in loss between different lengths of coaxial then it proves only one thing,
thats where people get the silly idea that you should use particular lengths of jumper between amp and antenna or amplifiers in a chain,
even their box builder will tell them they should use a particular length or the reflect will be high,
the customer changes the jumper and wow almost zero reflect my tech is the "MAN" a genius a veritable rfgod,
hmm he built you an amplifier that does not have 50ohms at either the input/output or you have parasitic oscillations at the drive levels you are using,
or much less likely your coax has the wrong characteristic impedance,
they are either too lazy to put trimmers in the box and tune it or they just dont have a clue
then they will tell you never use trimmers only fixed caps on the input /output, thats more bs,
i use trimmers and i have zero problems changing out amps with little to no change in reflect,
look in a harris c5/c10 transmitter they use compression trimmers on the input/output of each 2 transistor section within a 4 transistor module within a 8 or 16 module transmitter,
the neat trick is they are all hot pluggable interchangeable/removeable, even the drivers can be swapped with output modules while its still on air with minimal loss in output and still have a good match because they all have the near exact same 50 ohms input/output and the z-plane combiner is more than man enough for the job it is doing
you tune your antenna with ya 1x2 and all is well then you hook your 1x2 to ya straight8 and the reflect goes wild
, so you take it round to your buddies house and stick it on his quality dummyload and its still all screwed up,
next you call the builder and before you get chance to fully explain exactly whats happening he blurts out "wrong jumper length" what jumper you running???
"oh boy here we go again"
if that happens to you ask him exactly WHY hes telling you to change to a 3ft/6ft or whatever jumper,
if the guy does not admit that the tuning of at least one amp is off or at least admit things aint 100% with the amps then hes pulling the wool over your eyes or he just has no clue but he still has your money in his wallet,
i dont dispute that changing the jumper made it work better because the stages are happier with the coaxially transformed impedance they are seeing,
it does not make your vswr on the line go away like a magic trick,
the guys talking about cophasing stagger phasing and the like are correct too,
length or the relative difference between feedline length is what gives the phase shift/delay between elements be it a vertical stack of dipoles phased for downtilt or give you the cardiod pattern desireable in a 2hot keydown antenna,
imho equal phasing of 2 mobile antennas for use as a shootout/dx anteena is a total waste of time even if they are spaced wide enough for a figure 8 pattern when much more forward gain and back rejection can be had with the correct phasing even at half the spacing, in such cases the relative difference in line length DOES matter,
this is just my opinion so take it for what its worth, if you know better then please set me straight